我正在开发一个在 Microsoft Excel 中工作的 vb.net COM 互操作,并且在将数组从 vb 传递到 vb.net 时遇到问题。我PointPairs在 vb.net 代码中有一个需要从 vb 设置的属性,但在传递二维数组时遇到了问题。我已经尝试使用 2D 数组显式设置属性以及将两个 1D 数组传递到 Sub 以尝试在 vb.net 中设置属性,但我尝试过的任何方法似乎都不起作用。

vb.net 代码:

Public Property PointPairs() As Double(,)
     Return array
   End Get
   Set(ByVal Value(,) As Double)
   End Set
End Property

Public Sub SetPointPairs(ByRef spline As Spline, ByRef xValues() As Double, _
                              ByRef yValues() As Double)
   Dim Value(,) As Double
   ReDim Value(1, UBound(xValues, 1))

   For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(xValues, 1)
       Value(0, i) = xValues(i)
       Value(1, i) = yValues(i)

   spline.PointPairs = Value
End Sub


Dim spline1 As New Spline
Dim points(), xValues(), yValues() As Double
'read input from excel cells into points() array/add x and y values to respective arrays

spline1.PointPairs = points 'first method (doesn't work)
Call SetPointPairs(spline1, xValues, yValues)  'second method (doesn't work)

vb.net 正确导出了所有内容,并且属性/子程序/函数在 vba 的对象浏览器中可见,但是当我尝试以这两种方法传递数组时,我收到错误消息Function or interfaces markes as restricted, or the function uses an automation type not supported in Visual BasicSub or Function not defined. 我也尝试过使用<MarshalAs()>,但我以前从未使用过它,并且找不到太多关于如何使用它在 vb 和 vb.net 之间传递数组的文档。



1 回答 1




我不得不在 VBA 中将 2D 数组分解为两个 Doubles 的 1D 数组,并将它们作为对象传递到 vb.net 中,并按照文章中的说明对其进行修改。我按如下方式更改了 SetPointPairs Sub,并添加了此私有函数以在 .net 代码中从 Object 转换为 Array

Sub SetPointPairs(ByRef spline As CubicSpline, ByRef xValues As Object, ByRef yValues As Object) Implements iCubicSpline.SetPointPairs

        Dim xDbls(), yDbls(), pointDbls(,) As Double

        xDbls = ComObjectToDoubleArray(xValues)
        yDbls = ComObjectToDoubleArray(yValues)
        ReDim pointDbls(1, UBound(xDbls, 1))
        For i As Integer = 0 To UBound(pointDbls, 2)
            pointDbls(0, i) = xDbls(i)
            pointDbls(1, i) = yDbls(i)

        spline.PointPairs = pointDbls

End Sub

Private Function ComObjectToDoubleArray(ByVal comObject As Object) As Double()

        Dim thisType As Type = comObject.GetType
        Dim dblType As Type = Type.GetType("System.Double[]")
        Dim dblArray(0) As Double

        If thisType Is dblType Then
            Dim args(0) As Object
            Dim numEntries As Integer = CInt(thisType.InvokeMember("Length", BindingFlags.GetProperty, _
                                            Nothing, comObject, Nothing))
            ReDim dblArray(numEntries - 1)
            For j As Integer = 0 To numEntries - 1
                args(0) = j
                dblArray(j) = CDbl(thisType.InvokeMember("GetValue", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, _
                                        Nothing, comObject, args))
        End If

        Return dblArray

    End Function
于 2013-07-09T21:19:32.427 回答