我正在尝试做一个宏,它将系统地比较单元格值。我有 2 个数据集。我打算创建的宏基本上会将“C3:M25”的值与“O3:Y25”的值进行比较。

我的宏应该开始将范围(“C3”)中的值与范围(“O3”)进行比较。如果 C3.value > O3.value,它将改变 internal.colourindex.value 和字体颜色

完成第一次比较后,它将向下移动到下一行,即比较 range("C4").value 和 range("O4")。该过程继续进行,直到它到达列中的第一个空白行,在本例中为 Range("C26")。

一旦 range("C26") 是一个空单元格,那么宏将重复比较过程,但这一次它将基本上将 Range("D3") 中的值与 Range("P3") 进行比较。循环继续进行,直到整个过程完成。

Sub ilovetocompare()

Dim ross As Long, colss As Long
Dim wb As Workbook, ws1 As Long, ws1row As Integer

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Pricer")
With ActiveCell
ws1row = Worksheets("pricer").Range("B3").End(xlDown).Rows.Count
'get the last row count

'macro will stop when it detects that the cells is filled with other colors

Do Until ActiveCell.Interior.Color = 255

'start comparing the prices
For ross = 3 To ws1row
For colss = 15 To 25 ' number of columns will remain unchanged

If ActiveCell.Value > Cells(ross, colss).Value Then

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
ActiveCell.Font.colour = vbWhite
'once done with comparison, jump to the next row
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
'the column O likewise also move 1 row down for comparison

Next ross

'when the it hits an empty row, the activecell got readjusted back to the top
ElseIf ActiveCell.Value = "" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(-ws1row, 1).Select
With Selection
'move the cell up again so that i can resume the comparsion

'create this into a loop

End Sub

1 回答 1



Private Sub macrobygiada()
ColumnoneStart = 3 ' C
ColumnoneEnd = 13 'M
ColumntwoStart = 15 'O

Set wb = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Pricer")

TotalColumn = ColumnoneEnd - ColumnoneStart 'difference of the columnnumber C to M (3 to 13)
For Column = 1 To TotalColumn 'number of columns
    For Cell = 3 To 25 'go through the Cells
        If (Cells(Cell, ColumnoneStart).Value > Cells(Cell, ColumntwoStart).Value) Then
            wb.Cells(Cell, ColumnoneStart).Font.Bold = True
            wb.Cells(Cell, ColumnoneStart).Font.ColorIndex = 2 'colour white
        End If
ColumnoneStart = ColumnoneStart + 1
ColumntwoStart = ColumntwoStart + 1
Set wb = Nothing
End Sub


于 2013-07-10T10:54:27.380 回答