I am using Galileo with tomcat 5.5 server. I want to delete the logs from specific folder every time I start the server. Instead of doing this manually , can i automate this process ? What I need is when i click on the start in eclipse, before start up, the logs should get deleted. How can i achieve this ?


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我不确定 Eclipse 是否是实现这一目标的正确工具。在我当前的项目中,服务器启动和应用程序部署由 Ant 管理,并包含一个任务来擦除此进程之间的日志是微不足道的。

Ant 与 Eclipse 和 Tomcat 很好地集成。如果你愿意,你可以对 Maven 做同样的事情

于 2013-07-09T09:38:18.413 回答