SlNo Date Session MemberCode Litres Fat Price Amount GS Col1 Col
16 2013-07-02 16:27:17.000 E 0 1.00 0.00 28.00 28.00 NULL S NULL
17 2013-07-08 16:55:26.000 E 1 38.00 3.80 17.56 667.28 4.00 P NULL
18 2013-07-08 22:10:03.000 E 0 0.00 3.90 17.63 0.00 0.00 GT -
19 2013-07-08 23:03:08.000 E 2 2.00 3.50 17.50 35.00 4.00 P -
20 2013-07-08 23:03:22.000 E 13 3.90 3.80 17.56 68.48 4.00 P -
Total Members for session,
Total Litres for Session,
Total Amount For the Session,
Fat(Where Col1='GT') as GTFat,
Price(Where Col1='GT') as GTPrice,
NetAmount as GTPrice * (TotalLitres for Session),
Profit or Loss(NetAmount-Session Amount)
DECLARE @t TABLE (SlNo INT IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, Date DATETIME, Session VARCHAR(30), TotalMembers INT, TotalLitres DECIMAL(8, 2), Amount DECIMAL(8, 2),
GTFat DECIMAL(8, 2), GTPrice DECIMAL(8, 2), GTAmount DECIMAL(8, 2), PnL DECIMAL(8, 2));
INSERT INTO @t (Date, Session, TotalMembers, TotalLitres, Amount)
SELECT Cast(Date as date), Session, Count(MemberCode), Sum(Litres), Sum(Amount) FROM myTable Where Col1 = 'P' and Date between '2013-07-01' and '2013-07-09' GROUP BY Cast(Date as Date), Session Order By Cast(Date as date)
declare @maxcount int,@loop int
declare @GTAmt money,@PL money
set @loop =1
select @maxcount= MAX(SlNo ) from @t
while(@loop <= @maxcount)
Update @t Set GTFat = (Select Fat From myTable Where Date=Date and Session=Session and Col1='GT'),GTPrice=(Select Price From myTable Where Date=Date and Session=Session and Col1='GT')
set @loop = @loop + 1
SELECT * FROM @t order by Cast(Date as date)