
  • 我正在使用我的 java 应用程序给另一个人打电话(已经完成并且工作正常)。

  • 然后我正在播放录音,例如“请按 1 以继续用英语”(已经完成并且工作正常)。

  • 现在我想检测那个人按下一个,根据我在谷歌搜索中的研究,我知道这可以使用 DTMF 来完成。如果这个人按下 1,我想根据我的条件执行操作。

我的问题是如何在 java (J2SE) 中使用 DTMF 检测该数字。我正在使用 ZTE USB 加密狗拨打电话。拨号、挂断等控制都是通过AT指令+Java IO实现的。


public class zxczczz extends javax.swing.JFrame {

 * Creates new form zxczczz
public zxczczz() {
float[] lowFreq = new float[]{697.0F, 770.0F, 852.0F, 941.0F};
float[] highFreq = new float[]{1209.0F, 1336.0F, 1477.0F, 1633.0F};
float[] dtmfTones = new float[]{697.0F, 770.0F, 852.0F, 941.0F, 1209.0F, 1336.0F, 1477.0F, 1633.0F};
int dtmfBoard[][] = {{1, 2, 3, 12}, {4, 5, 6, 13}, {7, 8, 9, 14}, {10, 0, 11, 15}};
byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
static final char FRAME_SIZE = 160;
AudioFormat format = getAudioFormat();
int[] buf;
public boolean wait = false;
static boolean continueParsingDtmf = false;

public AudioFormat getAudioFormat() {
    //  float sampleRate = 8000.0F;         
    float sampleRate = 44100.0F;
    //int sampleSizeInBits = 16;            
    int sampleSizeInBits = 8;
    int channels = 1;
    boolean signed = true;
    boolean bigEndian = true;

    return new AudioFormat(sampleRate, sampleSizeInBits, channels, signed, bigEndian);

public class DtmfCapture extends Thread {

    public void run() {
        continueParsingDtmf = true;
        try {

            DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, format);
            TargetDataLine out = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);

            int count = 0;

            while (continueParsingDtmf) {
                byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
                //grab audio data
                count = out.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
                if (count >= 0) {
                    zxczczz.DecodeDtmf dtmf = new zxczczz.DecodeDtmf(buffer);
                    if (!wait) {  

dtmf.start(); //look for dtmf
//  System.out.println("aaaaaa");
} else {  
Thread.sleep(1000);// wait before searching again
                        wait = false;
        } catch (Exception e) {
public class DecodeDtmf extends Thread {

    byte[] buffer;

    DecodeDtmf(byte[] buffer) {
        this.buffer = buffer;

    public void run() {
        int[] buf;

        buf = new int[buffer.length / 2];

        for (int j = 0; j < buffer.length / 2 - 1; j++) {
            buf[j] = (int) ((buffer[j * 2 + 1] & 0xFF) + (buffer[j * 2] << 8));
        int tone = findDTMF(buf);

        if (tone >= 0) {
            wait = true;
            if (tone < 10) {
                System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : " + tone);

if (tone == 12) {
//                    System.out.println(" THE TONE IS :  A");
//                }
//                if (tone == 13) {
//                    System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : B");
//                }
//                if (tone == 14) {
//                    System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : C");
//                }
//                if (tone == 15) {
//                    System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : D");
//                }
            if (tone == 10) {
                //      System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : *");
            if (tone == 11) {
                //      System.out.println(" THE TONE IS : #");

     Check if sample has dtmf tone
    public int findDTMF(int[] samples) {
        double[] goertzelValues = new double[8];
        double lowFreqValue = 0;
        int lowFreq = 0;
        double sumLow = 0;
        double highFreqValue = 0;
        int highFreq = 0;
        double sumHigh = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            goertzelValues[i] = goertzel(samples, dtmfTones[i]);
        // System.out.println("aa="+goertzelValues);

        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // Find st?rste low frequency
            sumLow += goertzelValues[i]; // Sum til signal-test
            if (goertzelValues[i] > lowFreqValue) {
                lowFreqValue = goertzelValues[i];
                lowFreq = i;
            //      System.out.println("low = "+i);
        for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) // Find st?rste high frequency
            sumHigh += goertzelValues[i]; // Sum til signal-test
            if (goertzelValues[i] > highFreqValue) {
                highFreqValue = goertzelValues[i];
                highFreq = i - 4;
        if (lowFreqValue < sumLow / 2 || highFreqValue < sumHigh / 2) // Test signalstyrke
            return -1;
        // System.out.println("aaa="+dtmfBoard[lowFreq][highFreq]);
        return dtmfBoard[lowFreq][highFreq]; // Returner DTMF tone

public double goertzel(int[] samples, float freq) {
    double vkn = 0;
    double vkn1 = 0;
    double vkn2 = 0;

    for (int j = 0; j < samples.length - 1; j++) {
        vkn2 = vkn1;
        vkn1 = vkn;
        vkn = 2 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (freq * samples.length / format.getSampleRate()) / samples.length) * vkn1 - vkn2 + samples[j];
    double WNk = Math.exp(-2 * Math.PI * (freq * samples.length / format.getSampleRate()) / samples.length);
    return Math.abs(vkn - WNk * vkn1);




2 回答 2


我正在为 ActionScript 中的 DTMF 检测寻找相同的东西我发现了一些东西,也许你可以在 java 中重新编码

  package {
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;

    public class DTMFprocessor

           The following constants are used to find the DTMF tones.  The COL1 is the column Hz that we
           are searching for, and the COL2 is the row Hz.  The DTMF_LAYOUT is the order that the cols and
           rows intersect at.

        private static const COL1:Array = [697, 770, 852, 941];
        private static const COL2:Array = [1209, 1336, 1477, 1633];
        private static const DTMF_LAYOUT:Array = [ ["1","2","3","A"] ,
                                                   ["4","5","6","B"] ,
                                                   ["7","8","9","C"] ,
                                                   ["*","0","#","D"] ];

        private var sampleRate:int;
        private var lastFound:String = "";

        public var DTMFToneSensitivity:int = 15;

         * DTMF Processor Constructor
         * @param sampleRate  This is the sample rate, in frames per second that the application is operating in.
        public function DTMFprocessor(sampleRate:int = 44100)
            this.sampleRate = sampleRate;

         * Generates DTMF byteArrays that can be played by the Sound() object.
         * @param length  length, in ms that the tone will be generated for.
         * @param tone    the string representing the tone that will be generated [0-9, A-D, *, #]
         * @return        the byteArray that contains the DTMF tone.
        public function generateDTMF(length:int, tone:String):ByteArray
            var mySound:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            var neededSamples:int = Math.floor(length * sampleRate / 1000);
            var mySampleCol:Number = 0;
            var mySampleRow:Number = 0;

            var hz:Object = findDTMF(tone.charAt(0));

            for (var i:int = 0; i < neededSamples; i++)
                mySampleCol = Math.sin(i * hz.col * Math.PI * 2 / sampleRate) * 0.5;
                mySampleRow = Math.sin(i * hz.row * Math.PI * 2 / sampleRate) * 0.5;
                mySound.writeFloat(mySampleRow + mySampleCol);

            return mySound;

         * Searches a ByteArray (from a Sound() object) for a valid DTMF tone.  
         * @param tone  ByteArray that should contain a valid DTMF tone.
         * @return      string representation of DTMF tones.  Will return a blank string ('') if nothing is found
        public function searchDTMF(tone:ByteArray):String
            var position:int = 0;
            var charFound:String = "";

            // seed blank values for strongest tone to be found in the byteArray 
            var maxCol:int = -1;
            var maxColValue:int = 0;
            var maxRow:int = -1;
            var maxRowValue:int = 0;
            var foundTones:String = "";

            // reset the byteArray to the beginning, should we have gotten it in any other state.
            tone.position = position;

            // break up the byteArray in manageable chunks of 8192 bytes.  
            for (var bufferLoop:int =0; bufferLoop < tone.bytesAvailable; bufferLoop =+ 8192)
                position = bufferLoop;

                // search for the column tone.
                for (var col:int = 0; col < 4; col++)
                    if (powerDB(goertzel(tone,8192,COL1[col],position)) > maxColValue)
                        maxColValue = powerDB(goertzel(tone,8192,COL1[col],position));
                        maxCol = col;

                // search for the row tone.
                for (var row:int = 0; row < 4; row++)
                    if (powerDB(goertzel(tone,8192,COL2[row],position)) > maxRowValue)
                        maxRowValue = powerDB(goertzel(tone,8192,COL2[row],position));
                        maxRow = row;

                // was there enough strength in both the column and row to be valid?
                if ((maxColValue < DTMFToneSensitivity) || (maxRowValue < DTMFToneSensitivity))
                    charFound = "";
                    charFound = DTMF_LAYOUT[maxCol][maxRow];

                if (lastFound != charFound)
                    trace("Found DTMF Tone:",charFound);
                    lastFound = charFound;  // this is so we don't have duplicates.
                    foundTones = foundTones + lastFound;

            return foundTones;

         * Converts amplitude to dB (power).  
         * @param value  amplitude value
         * @return       dB
        private function powerDB(value:Number):Number
            return 20 * Math.log(Math.abs(value))*Math.LOG10E;

         * This function returns the amplitude of the a seeked wave in the buffer.
         * @param buffer      the byteArray that is being searched.
         * @param bufferSize  the size of the buffer that we wish to search.
         * @param frequency   the frequency (in Hz) that we are searching for.
         * @param bufferPos   the starting point that we want to search from.
         * @return            amplitude of the searched frequency, if any.
        private function goertzel(buffer:ByteArray, bufferSize:int, frequency:int, bufferPos:int):Number
            var skn:Number = 0;
            var skn1:Number = 0;
            var skn2:Number = 0;

            buffer.position = bufferPos;

            for (var i:int=0; i < bufferSize; i++)
                skn2 = skn1;
                skn1 = skn;
                if (buffer.bytesAvailable > 0)
                skn = 2 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * frequency / sampleRate) * skn1 - skn2 + buffer.readFloat();

            var wnk:Number = Math.exp(-2 * Math.PI * frequency / sampleRate);

            return (skn - wnk * skn1);

         * Returns the Hz of the string tone that is searched.
         * @param tone  character that is being search for
         * @return      an untyped object that has col and row properties that contain the Hz of the DTMF tone.
        private function findDTMF(tone:String):Object
            var myDTMF:Object = new Object();   

                case "1":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[0];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[0];
                case "2":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[0];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[1];
                case "3":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[0];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[2];
                case "A":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[0];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[3];
                case "4":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[1];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[0];
                case "5":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[1];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[1];
                case "6":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[1];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[2];
                case "B":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[1];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[3];
                case "7":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[2];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[0];
                case "8":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[2];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[1];
                case "9":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[2];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[2];
                case "C":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[2];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[3];
                case "*":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[3];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[0];
                case "0":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[3];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[1];
                case "#":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[3];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[2];
                case "D":
                    myDTMF.col = COL1[3];
                    myDTMF.row = COL2[2];
                    myDTMF.col = 0;
                    myDTMF.row = 0;
            return myDTMF;
于 2014-01-11T10:01:50.113 回答

我知道的不够多,无法帮助您,但是您是否在 github 上看到了 TarsosDSP 中的 DTMF实现

于 2013-10-07T17:21:54.647 回答