I have python 3.3.2 installed on windows 8 x64.

I am trying to install webpy framework. What I tried:

Downloaded latest webpy. Extracted to python directroy. in command promp I cd {python_dir/webpy_sub_dir}, then python setup.py install

I get this error:

Traceback ....
  File "setup.py", line 6 ....
  from web import __version__
  File ........ /web/__init__.py, line 14 in <module>
  import utils,db,net,wcgi,http,webapi, .........
ImportError: No module named 'utils'

What could be the problem? I could not find any tutorials relating to windows installs.

P.S. I realise this is borderline "not a programming question" but looking at other stack forums there isn't a better place for this(IMO).


3 回答 3


您可能需要从 pypi 下载 utils 包


于 2013-07-08T23:30:51.077 回答

Web.py is been ported to python 3.
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于 2013-07-12T14:46:36.047 回答

最后的问题是 webpy 与 python 3.x 不兼容。我选择了一个类似的替代品——bottle py。

于 2013-07-09T10:25:53.873 回答