
我对 Lucene 了解得越多,我就越意识到 Solr 的功能只是 Lucene 的一个包装。目前,感觉 Solr 只是带有 HTTP API 和 Web 服务器的 Lucene。

所以我很好奇,Solr 的哪些部分不仅仅是 Lucene 的包装?缓存?


1 回答 1


Lucene 是核心搜索库,而 Solr 是在它之上构建的,但是它扩展了 Lucene 并提供了许多超越它的功能。
Solr 使配置变得简单(通过模式和 solr 配置)、复杂的查询和文本分析、可扩展的架构设计、复制、实时搜索、集群、云、与 Nutch、Tika、UIMA、Carrot、DIH、Rest Full 服务的集成, Ajax 集成等等。


A Real Data Schema, with Numeric Types, Dynamic Fields, Unique Keys
Powerful Extensions to the Lucene Query Language
Faceted Search and Filtering
Geospatial Search with support for multiple points per document and geo polygons
Advanced, Configurable Text Analysis
Highly Configurable and User Extensible Caching
Performance Optimizations
External Configuration via XML
An AJAX based administration interface
Monitorable Logging
Fast near real-time incremental indexing and index replication
Highly Scalable Distributed search with sharded index across multiple hosts
JSON, XML, CSV/delimited-text, and binary update formats
Easy ways to pull in data from databases and XML files from local disk and HTTP sources
Rich Document Parsing and Indexing (PDF, Word, HTML, etc) using Apache Tika
Apache UIMA integration for configurable metadata extraction
Multiple search indices
于 2013-07-09T05:33:54.120 回答