我只会为电子邮件和电话执行此操作,以便您理解(注意我使用两个键的事实,一个在表中是唯一的,另一个是它所关注的用户唯一的。这就是表key 标识记录,user key 标识用户):
- 1, 1, mario@yahoo.it, 123456, 2012-01-02, , 2013-04-01, 没有
- 2, 2, erik@telecom.de, 123457, 2012-01-03, 2013-02-28, 否
- 3, 3, vanessa@o2.de, 1234568, 2012-01-03, null, 是
- 4, 2, erik@telecom.de, 123459, 2012-02-28, null, 是
- 5, 1, super.mario@yahoo.it, 654321,2013-04-01, 2013-04-02, 没有
- 6, 1, super.mario@yahoo.it, 123456,2013-04-02, null, 是
select * from FooTable where inactive_at is null
select * from FooTable where is_current = 'yes'
mario 的所有更改(mario 为 user_id 1)
select * from FooTable where user_id = 1;
2013 年 1 月 1 日至 2013 年 5 月 1 日之间的所有更改
select * from FooTable where created_at between '2013-01-01' and '2013-05-01';
并且您需要与旧版本进行比较(借助存储过程、java 或 php 代码...您选择)
select * from FooTable where incative_at between '2013-01-01' and '2013-05-01';
如果你愿意,你可以做一个花哨的 sql 语句
select f1.table_id, f1.user_id,
case when f1.email = f2.email then 'NO_CHANGE' else concat(f1.email , ' -> ', f2.email) end,
case when f1.phone = f2.phone then 'NO_CHANGE' else concat(f1.phone , ' -> ', f2.phone) end
from FooTable f1 inner join FooTable f2
on(f1.user_id = f2.user_id)
where f2.created_at in
(select max(f3.created_at) from Footable f3 where f3.user_id = f1.user_id
and f3.created_at < f1.created_at and f1.user_id=f3.user_id)
and f1.created_at between '2013-01-01' and '2013-05-01' ;
正如您所看到的多汁查询,将 user_ 与预览用户行进行比较...
2013-03-01 数据库的状态
select * from FooTable where table_id in
(select max(table_id) from FooTable where inactive_at <= '2013-03-01' group by user_id
select id from FooTable where inactive_at is null group by user_id having count(table_id) =1 );