I have a macro that performs a number of functions and works properly, but the buttons resize in one of two situations. The buttons reize when the macro uses an autofilter, which deletes roughly 500 rows of data (the buttons get much larger), and they also resize when I first paste in the data before I run the program (once again get larger). I have tried going into properties and selecting "Don't move or size with the cells" in object positioning. I have also tried locking the aspect ratio of the buttons. But neither have kept the button from resizing. Any ideas of what else I could try?


1 回答 1




'## Add the following to your existing macro:
Dim btn As Shape
Dim btLeft As Double, btTop As Double, btWidth As Double, _
    btHeight As Double, btFontSize As Double
Dim btCell As Range

'## Put this block of code before your existing code:
Set btn = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 3") '## Modify to your button name
With btn
    btLeft = .Left
    btTop = .Top
    btHeight = .Height
    btWidth = .Width
    'btFontSize = TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size
    'Set btCell = btn.TopLeftCell
End With

'Your code goes here:
'End of your code

'## Put this block of code before the Exit Sub statement/after your existing code
With btn
    '.TopLeftCell = btCell
    '.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Size = btnFontSize
    .Left = btLeft
    .Top = btTop
    .Height = btHeight
    .Width = btWidth
End With
于 2013-07-08T16:52:55.467 回答