We use this script to try and get information from some of our servers. Issue that I have is the script somehow "saves" the last server IP, so when the next server in the list is unreachable we still get a "success" response from the previous IP. I have tried using the Clear-Item variable: command after every test but it doesn't seem to release the value.

$enddate = (Get-Date).tostring("yyyyMMdd")
$filename_SRM = 'C:\Scripts\' + $enddate + '_SRM_Scan.csv'

$compArray = get-content C:\Scripts\Servers.txt 
foreach($strComputer in $compArray)

  $ErrorActionPreference = “SilentlyContinue”
  $ping = new-object system.net.networkinformation.ping
  $ping.send(“$strComputer”) | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq 'Address'}
  $pingreturns = $ping.send(“$strComputer”).Status

  $socket = new-object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
  $port = 135  #445
  $socket.Connect($strComputer, $port)

  $Network = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Computername $strComputer | `
                    Where-Object {$_.IPEnabled -match "True"} | `
                    Select-Object -property DNSHostName,@{N="DNSServerSearchOrder";

  $IP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses(“$strComputer”)

  if ($socket.Connected) 
     $Netlogon = Get-WMIObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $strComputer | Where-Object{$_.Name -eq 'Netlogon'}
     if ($Netlogon) {

         $OS  = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $strComputer
         $services =  Get-WMIObject -class Win32_Service -ComputerName $strComputer 
         "$strComputer ; $pingreturns ; connected ; $($OS.CSName) ; $($Network.IPAddress) "

                "$strComputer ; $pingreturns ; WMI Unavailable ;  ; $IP"
if (!$socket.Connected)
        echo "$strComputer ; $pingreturns ; Unable to connect ;  ; $IP"


1 回答 1


代替Clear-Item <variable name>, tryRemove-Variable <variable name>或者您可以使用语法$variable = $null。两者都应该可以正常工作。

于 2013-07-09T04:43:22.697 回答