I am trying to convert TIF files into PDF Files. Below is the code that does the conversion however, when it converts i loose the content in the TIF files and only get blank PDF files. How do I convert the files and keep the picture on the original TIF file.
$InputLocation = "C:\convert"
$tool = 'C:Program Files (x86)\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe'
$tiffs = get-childitem -filter *.tif -path $InputLocation
foreach($tiff in $tiffs)
$filename = $tiff.FullName
$pdf = $tiff.FullName.split('.')[0] + '.pdf'
'Processing ' + $filename + ' to ' + $pdf
$param = "-sOutputFile=$pdf"
& $tool /IF$filename /OF$pdf /NoPSCheck /NoStart