正如建议的那样,我复制我的解决方案作为答案。我希望这些对解决类似问题的人有所帮助。:) 解决方案有点长,但问题不仅在于“如何以编程方式按下按钮”,还在于“如何通过远程桌面使其工作”和“如何制作通用解决方案”适用于不同的键盘'。好吧,我不能 100% 确定最后一个问题是否完全解决,但下面的解决方案可能会用于进一步开发。我也知道代码不是最优的,有时也很丑陋,但我仍在测试和开发它!:)
//m_text is the whole text i want to write. It may contain special characters,
//like 'enter', 'tab', lower/upper-case chars, and chars with shit/alt is
//pressed, like ';'.
//Test with this string, its difficult-enough. :)
string m_text = "123qweQWE;{tab}!{eNTer}*|";
IntPtr keyboardLayout = GetKeyboardLayout(0);
while (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_text))
int m_Index = 0;
//Enter, tab and similar keys are in {} brackets
//(for example {tab}). We get the 'tab' from the
//string and pass this to our method. Key combinations
//are separated by a '+' like {alt+tab+tab}, from this
//we will get 'press the alt, then press the tab, then
//press the tab again'.
if (m_text[m_Index] == '{')
#region [ Special chars ]
string m_SubString = m_text.Substring(
m_Index + 1, m_text.IndexOf("}") - 1);
string[] m_Splitted = m_SubString.Split(new char[] { '+' });
for (int i = 0; i < m_Splitted.Length; i++)
//If the string is longer than 1 char it means we are processing a tab-like key.
if (m_Splitted[i].Length > 1)
//If the char is 1-char-long, it means we previously pressed a tab-like key,
//and now we press a simple key, like in the case of {altgr+w}.
//Get the virtual key of the char.
short vKey = VkKeyScanEx(
char.Parse(m_Splitted[i]), keyboardLayout);
//Get the low byte from the virtual key.
byte m_LOWBYTE = (Byte)(vKey & 0xFF);
//Get the scan code of the key.
byte sScan = (byte)MapVirtualKey(m_LOWBYTE, 0);
//Press the key.
//Key down event, as indicated by the 3rd parameter that is 0.
keybd_event(m_LOWBYTE, sScan, 0, 0);
//We have pressed all the keys we wanted, now release them in backward-order
//when pressing alt+tab we beed to release them in tab-alt order! The logic is the same.
for (int i = m_Splitted.Length - 1; i > -1; i--)
if (m_Splitted[i].Length > 1)
short vKey = VkKeyScanEx(
char.Parse(m_Splitted[i]), keyboardLayout);
byte m_LOWBYTE = (Byte)(vKey & 0xFF);
byte sScan = (byte)MapVirtualKey(m_LOWBYTE, 0);
//Key up event, as indicated by the 3rd parameter that is 0x0002.
keybd_event(m_LOWBYTE, sScan, 0x0002, 0); //Key up
//We do not use the '{' and '}' brackets, thats why the '+2'. :)
m_Index = m_SubString.Length + 2;
#region [ One char ]
short vKey = VkKeyScanEx(m_text[m_Index], keyboardLayout);
//Hi-byte indicates if we need to press shift, alt or other similar keys.
byte m_HIBYTE = (Byte)(vKey >> 8);
byte m_LOWBYTE = (Byte)(vKey & 0xFF);
byte sScan = (byte)MapVirtualKey(m_LOWBYTE, 0);
//Press the special key if needed.
if ((m_HIBYTE == 1))
else if ((m_HIBYTE == 2))
else if ((m_HIBYTE == 4))
else if ((m_HIBYTE == 6))
//Press, then release the key.
keybd_event(m_LOWBYTE, sScan, 0, 0); //Key down
keybd_event(m_LOWBYTE, sScan, 0x0002, 0); //Key up
//Release the special key if needed.
if ((m_HIBYTE == 1))
else if ((m_HIBYTE == 2))
else if ((m_HIBYTE == 4))
else if ((m_HIBYTE == 6))
//Get the next char from the string.
//Remove the already processed chars from the string.
if (m_Index < m_text.Length)
m_text = m_text.Substring(m_Index);
m_text = string.Empty;
按下和释放特殊键是一样的,只是前两个参数不同。检查 msdn 以获取 enter、tab、alt、altgr 等的虚拟和扫描代码...
#region [ Press shift ]
private void PressShift()
//0xA0 is the virtual key of 'shift'.
//0x2A is the scan code of 'shift'.
keybd_event(0xA0, 0x2A, 0, 0);
#region [ Release shift ]
private void ReleaseShift()
keybd_event(0xA0, 0x2A, 0x0002, 0);
PressSpecial 与上面的代码类似,因此也可以用于移位。我将其中一些分成不同的方法,因为对我来说更容易看到我在代码中使用的内容(我更容易使用'PressShift();'而不是'PressSpecial("shift")';)。:)
private void PressSpecial(string p_Special)
switch (p_Special.ToLower()) //<-- use lower version!
case "home":
keybd_event(0x24, 0x47, 0, 0);
case "end":
keybd_event(0x23, 0x4F, 0, 0);
//Do the same for any key you need (enter, tab, page up, etc...).
//Remember to get the proper virtual- and scan codes for each keys!
ReleaseSpecial 与 PressSpecial 相同,但第三个参数为 0x0002。
private void ReleaseSpecial(string p_Special)
switch (p_Special.ToLower())
case "home":
keybd_event(0x24, 0x47, 0x0002, 0);
case "end":
keybd_event(0x23, 0x4F, 0x0002, 0);
最后,这里是 dll 导入方法。如果您愿意,可以将它们放入静态类中:
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "keybd_event", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern void keybd_event(byte vk, byte scan, int flags, int extrainfo);
public static extern IntPtr GetKeyboardLayout(uint idThread);
public static extern short VkKeyScanEx(char ch, IntPtr dwhkl);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int MapVirtualKey(int uCode, int uMapType);