我们正在考虑使用 ClearCase Multisite 来支持离岸开发团队。另一个选项是使用本地(陆上)ClearCase 安装的 ClearCase Remote Client。有没有人有使用 Multisite 的经验?是否值得在海外使用胖客户端进行同步和管理麻烦?
4 回答
I agree with stimms. Actually, unless you have a massive concurrent development on the same set of files, multisite is quite heavy to setup and maintain...
And if the coverage is disjoint, ... actually we have switched to CRC (but we are with CC7.0.1 here, CRC in 6.0 was not advanced enough). That means you have a good connection to allow your user to connect to the web server that represents CRC and that will access your vobs for them.
Your remote clients will either use a "semi-fat" client (the eclipse RCP ClearCase client talking to your CRC) or a web interface, for setting up their snapshot views.
The other point that drove us away from Multisite is the licensing system: you can not convert a vob into a 'multisite-compliant' one without using (more expensive) multisite licenses, even for your local users...
So if you want to use only multi-site licenses for your remote users, you have to isolate your data into a multi-site vob, and then replicate those data into a normal vob!
All in all, I believe Multisite is not the only answer to offshore development team.
BUT, that being said, one strong force of the Multisite mechanism is its ability to synchronize itself from delta coming from various sources:
- regular reception of packages
- files
- even a CD burned with the latest delta can do it!
That means, if your connexion is not always up with the remote site, Multisite can be a valid option.
Multisite 和 CCRC 之间真正重要的区别之一是,您只能将快照视图(但实际上称为 Web 视图)与 CCRC 一起使用,而 Multisite 可以同时使用快照和动态视图。
如果没有关于离岸团队规模、他们可能发展的内容、您将使用该解决方案的时间、业务规模、管理经验和 ClearCase 员工的时间的更多信息……嗯,准确地回答这个问题会很棘手。
这是个好问题。我相信只要您能弄清楚元素的掌握程度,就值得使用多站点。如果一个元素在站点 A 上被掌握,您不能在站点 B 上编辑它,直到您转移了掌握权。因此,如果每个站点都在处理相同的代码段,那么多站点将比它的价值更麻烦,如果覆盖范围不相交,那么多站点是一个很好的选择。Clearcase 在网络上非常健谈,尽可能保持本地化是个好主意。
MultiSite 是一款出色的产品,它真正以 CCRC 无法实现的方式启用远程站点。它还用作 VOB 的备份副本。有很多事情需要考虑,但不要让 MultiSite 的复杂性让您望而却步……我建议您研究 CM/InSync 以将 MultiSite 自动化为免提设置。
CCRC 客户端还可以,与原生动态视图相比仍然乏善可陈。这在很大程度上取决于您的要求和需要。