In the Handlebars.js - template i am getting a senario to check the value of the array, and if the value is not equal to do a task and equal to do a taks.. i do like this, But it thrown a error, how to handle this scenario.. any one help me?

Or any one give the way to handle this properly.

myJson would be :


 {{#each links}}
                    {{#if !lable.Logout}}
                        <a href="{{link}}">{{label}}</a>
                        {{#if subLinks}}
                                {{#each subLinks}}
                                    <li><a href="{{link}}">{{label}}</a></li>

<div><a href="{{link}}">{{label}}</a></div>


1 回答 1


Handlebars alone cannot handle conditional if statements, you need to use a helper function.

<div id="myDiv"></div>

<script type="text/x-handlebars-template" id="handlebar">
{{#each links}}
    {{#ifCond label "Logout" }}
        <a href="{{link}}">{{label}}</a>
        {{#if subLinks}}
                {{#each subLinks}}
                    <li><a href="{{link}}">{{label}}</a></li>
            <a href="{{link}}">{{label}}</a>

    $( document ).ready(function() {
        var source   = $("#handlebar").html();
        var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
        var context =   {
        var html = template(context);

    Handlebars.registerHelper('ifCond', function(v1, v2, options) {
      if(v1 === v2) {
        return options.fn(this);
      return options.inverse(this);
于 2013-07-15T14:06:24.710 回答