更好的方法是对 UTF-8 建模,它将完整 int 的长度编码为第一个字节:
0xxxxxxx // one byte with 7 bits of data
10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx // two bytes with 12 bits of data
110xxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx // three bytes with 16 bits of data
1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx // four bytes with 22 bits of data
// etc.
但是 UTF-8 有一些特殊的属性,使它更容易与 ASCII 区分开来。这会使数据膨胀,并且您不关心 ASCII,因此您可以将其修改为如下所示:
0xxxxxxx // one byte with 7 bits of data
10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx // two bytes with 14 bits of data.
110xxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx // three bytes with 21 bits of data
1110xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx // four bytes with 28 bits of data
// etc.
这与您的方法具有相同的压缩级别(最多 64 位 = 9 字节),但 CPU 处理起来要容易得多。
// byte_counts[255] contains the number of additional
// bytes if the first byte has a value of 255.
uint8_t const byte_counts[256]; // a global constant.
// byte_masks[255] contains a mask for the useful bits in
// the first byte, if the first byte has a value of 255.
uint8_t const byte_masks[256]; // a global constant.
// the resulting value.
uint64_t v = 0;
// mask off the data bits in the first byte.
v = *data & byte_masks[*data];
// read in the rest.
case 3: v = v << 8 | *++data;
case 2: v = v << 8 | *++data;
case 1: v = v << 8 | *++data;
case 0: return v;
// If you're on VC++, this'll make it take one less branch.
// Better make sure you've got all the valid inputs covered, though!
无论整数大小如何,它都只命中一个分支点:开关,它很可能会被放入一个跳转表中。通过不让每个案例都失败,您可以为 ILP 进一步优化它。