Our web page flickers on iPads after we add images or text to the page using JavaScript. We have tried various combinations of -webkit-backface-visibility:hidden; -webkit-transform-style:preserve-3d; -webkit-transform:translate3d(0,0,0) against different elements. Since we tile a background image, we can't apply these styles to the body but can apply them to all DIVs, which helps but doesn't remove the issue.

The issue gets triggered here:

$( screenshots ).each( function() {
    var img = $( document.createElement('img') );

    // Set image source
    img.attr( 'src', this );

    // Append new screenshot
    screenshots_box.append( img );

// Render description
$( page ).find( '.desc' ).html( data.description.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>') );
$( page ).find( '.desc' ).removeClass( 'loading' );

If we comment out the lines that update the DOM, the flickering vanishes.

To reproduce:

1) On your tablet, using Chrome or Safari, visit http://www.tekiki.com/itunes-store/apps/free-apps/app/a-wheel-of-wopple-free-formerly-boggle-nytimes-fortune?itunes-store-id=481584214.

2) The page will initially load, but after we dynamically update the page with data from iTunes, sections of the page will flicker/flash/blink momentarily.


5 回答 5



首先,您可以将所有节点加载到文档片段,然后只将文档片段附加到真实 DOM。


下面,我结合了这两种方法,所以下面的代码会将图像加载到文档片段中,当加载最后一个图像时,它会将文档片段附加到 dom。

// First, let's create a document fragment for the nodes
var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();

// Then count the screenshots
var total = screenshots.length;

// Loop through all image sources
    // Create the img node with jquery, note that how you can pass
    // all attributes to the node with a second parameter object
    // Plus let's hook the image's load event
    // Append the created img node immediately to the document fragment
    docfrag.appendChild($("<img />", {
        "src" : this
    }).on("load", function(){
        // we decrease the total variable, and if it reached zero( all images loaded )
        // we attach the document fragment to the screenshot box
        // ( I assume screenshots_box is a jquery object, so I need the first element of it )

另请注意,网页世界中最慢的事情是重新渲染,例如。如果您操纵 dom,则需要将编辑 dom 的数量缩小到最低限度。

于 2013-07-17T07:36:15.367 回答

我的建议是,如果它正确加载图像然后闪烁,然后尝试使用一些优化技术,例如使用设置图像大小并缩小任何大型脚本,因为对我来说这听起来类似于加载时间问题,如果脚本和 css缩小页面将运行得更快,这可能会减少/消除闪烁。此外,Sammy 的解决方案可能会有所帮助。(如果是这样,他值得称赞,请忽略我)

于 2013-07-16T14:08:37.297 回答


于 2013-07-16T07:29:49.350 回答


您如何将 img 的显示设置为 none 并查看闪烁是否停止:

$( screenshots ).each( function() {
    var img = $( document.createElement('img') );

    img.css('display', 'none')
    // Set image source
    img.attr( 'src', this );

    // Append new screenshot
    screenshots_box.append( img );


$('img').css('display', 'block'); or $('img').show()
于 2013-07-15T14:53:23.930 回答


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
于 2013-07-20T21:41:08.093 回答