我正在尝试学习如何围绕 DLL 编写包装器,但遇到了一些障碍。我有一个这样声明的结构:

unsafe struct SDL_Surface
    public readonly UInt32 flags;             
    public readonly SDL_PixelFormat* format;  
    public readonly int w, h;                  
    public readonly int pitch;               
    public void* pixels;             

    /// <summary>Application data associated with the surface</summary>
    public void* userdata;           

    /// <summary>information needed for surfaces requiring locks</summary>
    public readonly int locked;              
    public readonly void* lock_data;           

    /// <summary>clipping information</summary>
    public readonly SDL_Rect clip_rect;        

    /// <summary>info for fast blit mapping to other surfaces</summary>
    private SDL_BlitMap *map;    // <--- Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed type 

    /// <summary>Reference count -- used when freeing surface</summary>
    public int refcount;             



unsafe struct SDL_PixelFormat
    UInt32 format;
    SDL_Palette *palette;
    byte BitsPerPixel;
    byte BytesPerPixel;
    fixed byte padding [2];
    UInt32 Rmask;
    UInt32 Gmask;
    UInt32 Bmask;
    UInt32 Amask;
    byte Rloss;
    byte Gloss;
    byte Bloss;
    byte Aloss;
    byte Rshift;
    byte Gshift;
    byte Bshift;
    byte Ashift;
    int refcount;
    SDL_PixelFormat *next;

unsafe internal delegate int SDL_blit(SDL_Surface* src, SDL_Rect* srcrect, SDL_Surface* dst, SDL_Rect* dstrect);

unsafe struct SDL_BlitMap
    SDL_Surface* dst;
    int identity;
    SDL_blit blit;
    void* data;
    SDL_BlitInfo info;

    /* the version count matches the destination; mismatch indicates
       an invalid mapping */
    UInt32 dst_palette_version;
    UInt32 src_palette_version;

struct SDL_Rect
    int x, y;
    int w, h;


我相信这是导致问题的SDL_blit参考SDL_BlitMap。我已将其声明为代表;还有什么我应该声明的吗?它在 C 中被定义为:

typedef int (*SDL_blit) (struct SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Rect * srcrect,
                         struct SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Rect * dstrect);

2 回答 2


任何包含托管类型的结构都不能获取其地址。委托是一种引用类型,因此它们也是一种托管类型。这意味着 SDL_Blitmap 是托管类型,因为它包含对 SDL_blit 的托管引用,因此如果不先修复它就无法获得指向它的指针。

如果您尝试调用的函数已在 dll 中可用,我建议您查看 DllImportAttribute。( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.runtime.interopservices.dllimportattribute( v=vs.100).aspx )

通过将公共静态 extern 声明与 DllImportAttribute 相结合,您可以调用在您正在互操作的 dll 中声明的任何全局函数。

或者,您需要创建一个 C/C++ 端函数,该函数接受一个函数指针并调用它,这可能会变得混乱。

于 2013-07-08T06:34:04.543 回答


struct SDL_PixelFormat
    UInt32 format;
    IntPtr palettePtr;
    byte BitsPerPixel;
    byte BytesPerPixel;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    byte padding[];
    UInt32 Rmask;
    UInt32 Gmask;
    UInt32 Bmask;
    UInt32 Amask;
    byte Rloss;
    byte Gloss;
    byte Bloss;
    byte Aloss;
    byte Rshift;
    byte Gshift;
    byte Bshift;
    byte Ashift;
    int refcount;
    IntPtr nextPtr;

struct SDL_Surface
    public readonly UInt32 flags;
    public readonly IntPtr format;  
    public readonly int w, h;                  
    public readonly int pitch;               
    public IntPtr pixels;             

    /// <summary>Application data associated with the surface</summary>
    public IntPtr userdata;           

    /// <summary>information needed for surfaces requiring locks</summary>
    public readonly int locked;              
    public readonly IntPtr lock_data;           

    /// <summary>clipping information</summary>
    public readonly SDL_Rect clip_rect;        

    /// <summary>info for fast blit mapping to other surfaces</summary>
    private IntPtr mapPtr;

    /// <summary>Reference count -- used when freeing surface</summary>
    public int refcount;             

struct SDL_BlitMap
    IntPtr dstPtr;
    int identity;
    SDL_blit blit;
    IntPtr data;
    SDL_BlitInfo info;

    /* the version count matches the destination; mismatch indicates
       an invalid mapping */
    UInt32 dst_palette_version;
    UInt32 src_palette_version;

struct SDL_Rect
    int x, y;
    int w, h;

internal delegate int SDL_blit(ref SDL_Surface src, ref SDL_Rect srcrect, ref SDL_Surface dst, ref SDL_Rect dstrect);


var palette = (SDL_Palette) Marshal.PtrToStructure(surface.palettePtr, typeof (SDL_Pallete));

否则,如果您希望坚持当前代码,请尝试将函数指针声明为 IntPtr 而不是委托,并在运行时使用 Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer 创建委托。

于 2013-07-08T14:44:52.503 回答