

game.h:48:50:错误:ISO C++ 禁止声明没有类型的“敌人”[-fpermissive]”

第 48 行是函数“fillMap”顺便说一句


#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H


const int LEN = 40;

struct player
   char name[LEN]; //name of character
   char symbol; //character representing player on map
   int posx; // x position on map
   int posy; // y position on map
   bool alive; // Is the player alive
   double damage; // Player attacking power
   double health; // Player health

enum direction {LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN};


//move amount specified in position structure
void moveAmount(player& pl, int posx, int posy);

//move to specified position on map
void moveTo(player& pl, int posx, int posy);

//one player attacking other
//returns whether attack was successfull
bool attack(const player & atacker, player & target);

//one player attacking a direction on the map, epl is a pointer to an array of enemies           players
//returns whether attack was sucessfull
bool attack(const player & pl, direction, player* epl);

//Check if player is dead, to be called inside attack function
inline bool isDead(const player& pl){
    return pl.health <= 0 ? 1 : 0;

//Remove player from map if he is dead
void kill(player& pl);

//Initialize map
void fillMap(const player& player, const player* enemies, int mapWidth, int mapHeigth);

//Display map
void displayMap(const int mapWidth, const int mapHeigth);


2 回答 2



void fillMap(const player& player, const player* enemies, int mapWidth, int mapHeigth);

由于您声明player为参数,因此它保留在整个前向声明的范围内。因此,它的名称隐藏了类型名称player:在 的前向声明中fillMapplayer指的是第一个参数,而不是player类型。


void fillMap(const player& pl, const player* enemies, int mapWidth, int mapHeigth);
于 2013-07-08T01:48:32.220 回答

因为player不是类型;struct player是。

于 2013-07-08T01:47:07.217 回答