我第一次为 Java 课程介绍创建 UML 图。我无法确定我的类是否正确指向彼此。
Guitar 类是否应该指向测试类?另外,吉他课应该在测试课的左边吗?任何指针都非常感谢,谢谢。
我在 ImageShack 上托管的 UML 图
package guitartest;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Guitar {
// Declare variables
private int numberOfStrings;
private String stringName;
private boolean isTuned;
private boolean isPlaying;
private boolean isPlucking;
// Construct a guitar and set boolean fields to "false"
public Guitar(){
this.isTuned = false;
this.isPlaying = false;
this.isPlucking = false;
} // end constructor
// Prompt user to enter number of strings
public int getNumberOfStrings() {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
// Loop continues until a positive integer is entered
do {
System.out.println("Enter number of strings in integer format");
while (!sc.hasNextInt()) {
System.out.println("Error! That's not a number!");
} // end while
numberOfStrings = sc.nextInt();
} // end do-while loop
while (numberOfStrings <= 0);
return numberOfStrings;
} // end method getNumberOfStrings
// Prompt user to enter string names
public String getStringName() {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
// Loop continues until all strings are named
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfStrings; i++){
System.out.println("Enter string name");
// Error if input is not a character
while (!sc.hasNext("[A-Za-z]")) {
System.out.println("Error! That's not a character!");
stringName = sc.next();
} // end for loop
return stringName;
} // end method getStringName
// Verifies tuning status
public boolean tuneInstrument(){
return isTuned;
} // end method tuneInstrument
// Tune guitar
public void setTuned(boolean isTuned) {
this.isTuned = isTuned;
} // end method setTuned
// Verifies instrument is playing
public boolean playInstrument(){
return isPlaying;
} // end method playInstrument
public void startPlayingInstrument(){
isPlaying = true;
} // end method startPlayingInstrument
public boolean pluckInstrument(){
return isPlucking;
} // end method pluckInstrument
public void startPlucking(){
isPlucking = true;
} // end method startPlucking
// Stop instrument
public void stopInstrument(){
isPlaying = false;
} // end method stopInstrument
} // end class Guitar
package guitartest;
import java.util.Scanner;
// Scanner is in the java.util package
public class GuitarTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create 10 guitar objects
Guitar[] guitar = new Guitar[10];
for (int i = 0; i < guitar.length; i++){
guitar[i] = new Guitar();
// Call methods in Guitar class
System.out.println("Is the guitar tuned? " + guitar[i].tuneInstrument());
System.out.println("Guitar is being tuned. Please wait...");
System.out.println("Is the guitar tuned? " + guitar[i].tuneInstrument());
System.out.println("Is the guitar playing? " + guitar[i].playInstrument());
System.out.println("Please wait for guitar to play...");
System.out.println("Is the guitar playing? " + guitar[i].playInstrument());
System.out.println("Is the guitar being plucked? " + guitar[i].pluckInstrument());
System.out.println("Please wait for guitar to be plucked...");
System.out.println("The guitar is playing and being plucked. " + guitar[i].pluckInstrument());
System.out.println("Stopping guitar from playing...");
System.out.println("Is the guitar playing? " + guitar[i].playInstrument());
} // end for loop
} // end method main
} // end class GuitarTest