I have a scene that is modified when mouse left button is clicked.

My problem is: this modified scene was supposed to appear with a sound, but the scene waits the sounds to finish before it renders itself.

I'm using this function:

do {
        alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state);
 } while (state == AL_PLAYING);

Of course, this function tells the program to wait. But what alternative could I use? if I remove this function, the sound isnt played

I even tried to create a function sound(), that is called after glutPostRedisplay but it still waits the sound complete to render


1 回答 1



无论如何,您不能在 while 循环中执行此操作,因为它会阻止 Windows 消息和 OpenGL 的更新,并会阻止场景重绘。


于 2013-07-07T18:57:56.493 回答