I'm having a rather irritating problem with images on buttons in .NET. They don't behave as you would expect an image on a button to behave.

In the properties of a button you can set Image. So I select an image and the image shows up on the button! So far so good. When a button is clicked, or in a pressed state, the text of the button will move down and right one pixel to create a depth. But not the image! It will stay in the same position, and it will look weird. There is also the BackgroundImage property, but that's even worse! Because if I set BackgroundImageLayout to None instead of Center, the image will move up and left when pressed, the complete opposite direction of the text! What's up with that?

Anyway, what I want to achieve is a button image that moves just like the text would move when the button is in a pressed state. Is there a way to do this?


1 回答 1


只需制作一个新图像并将原始图像粘贴到偏移处即可。然后将其设置为Button's Image


private void button1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // replace "button_image.png" with the filename of the image you are using
    Image normalImage = Image.FromFile("button_image.png");
    Image mouseDownImage = new Bitmap(normalImage.Width + 1, normalImage.Height + 1);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(mouseDownImage);
    // this will draw the normal image at an offset on mouseDownImage
    g.DrawImage(normalImage, 1, 1); // offset is one pixel each for x and y
    // clean up
    button1.Image = mouseDownImage;

private void button1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    // reset image to the normal one
    button1.Image = Image.FromFile("button_image.png");


private void button1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    Point relMousePos = e.Location;
    bool mouseOverButton = true;
    mouseOverButton &= relMousePos.X > 0;
    mouseOverButton &= relMousePos.X < button1.Width;
    mouseOverButton &= relMousePos.Y > 0;
    mouseOverButton &= relMousePos.Y < button1.Height;
    if (mouseOverButton != MouseButtons.None)
        button1_MouseDown(sender, e);
        button1_MouseUp(sender, e);
于 2013-07-07T19:50:22.783 回答