
I have two lines of C# from a sample I'm converting. One is fine, the other however produces an error in VS2012, Sharpdevelop and an online convertor.

Can anyone clear up why the first line is no good but the second line is just fine? A trivial mystery that I can't seem to clarify for myself! :). The first line is NOT a statement according to VS.

double xx = x * Math.Cos(a) – this.y * Math.Sin(a);

double yy = y * Math.Sin(a) + this.y * Math.Cos(a);

I'd be grateful for any clarity offered!


2 回答 2

于 2013-07-07T17:43:39.460 回答

The thing that looks like a minus sign (–) is actually an en dash - it should be a plain hyphen.

于 2013-07-07T17:43:43.820 回答