This is a part of an exam preparation. I know it has something to do with max-flow algorithm, but I'd be happy for a hint:

Let G=(V,E) an undirected connected graph, and let w:E->R a weight function, e an edge and k > 0. Describe an algorithm that determines whether we can remove at most k edges from the graph, so that e would belong to a minimum spanning tree of the new graph.

I think that a spanning tree is kind of a perfect matching. But how do I make it minimal that contains e and the right amount of other edges?


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提示:对于每个边 e,存在一个包含 e 的最小权重生成森林当且仅当 e 的端点之间不存在由(严格)比 e 轻的边组成的路径。

于 2013-07-07T18:27:13.823 回答