我正在尝试在 Heruku 上部署 Django CMS。我按照https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git上的说明进行操作- 但是当我运行最后一个命令时,结果如下:
(web1)users-imac:1web user$ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 453, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (439/439), done.
Writing objects: 100% (453/453), 1.21 MiB | 105 KiB/s, done.
Total 453 (delta 30), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Removing .DS_Store files
! Push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected
To git@heroku.com:intense-oasis-8026.git
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'git@heroku.com:intense-oasis-8026.git'
2013-07-07T14:20:41.610222+00:00 heroku[api]: Enable Logplex by alex.garulli@gmail.com
2013-07-07T14:20:41.623083+00:00 heroku[api]: Release v2 created by alex.garulli@gmail.com
2013-07-07T14:21:18+00:00 heroku[slug-compiler]: Slug compilation started
2013-07-07T14:21:21+00:00 heroku[slug-compiler]: Slug compilation failed: no Cedar-supported app detected
2013-07-07T14:22:25.296159+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info code= desc="Blank app" method=GET path=/ host=intense-oasis-8026.herokuapp.com fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=502 bytes=
2013-07-07T14:22:25.474698+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info code= desc="Blank app" method=GET path=/favicon.ico host=intense-oasis-8026.herokuapp.com fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=502 bytes=
2013-07-07T21:53:38.496649+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info code= desc="Blank app" method=GET path=/ host=intense-oasis-8026.herokuapp.com fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=502 bytes=
2013-07-07T21:53:48.291460+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info code= desc="Blank app" method=GET path=/favicon.ico host=intense-oasis-8026.herokuapp.com fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=502 bytes=
2013-07-07T21:53:51.282218+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info code= desc="Blank app" method=GET path=/favicon.ico host=intense-oasis-8026.herokuapp.com fwd="" dyno= connect= service= status=502 bytes=
2013-07-08T18:29:16+00:00 heroku[slug-compiler]: Slug compilation started
2013-07-08T18:29:17+00:00 heroku[slug-compiler]: Slug compilation failed: no Cedar- supported app detected
好的,我的 Procfile 工作了,工头开始了
20:30:16 web.1 | started with pid 13580
20:30:16 web.1 | /usr/local/foreman/bin/foreman-runner: line 41: exec: gunicorn: not found
20:30:16 web.1 | exited with code 127
20:30:16 system | sending SIGTERM to all processes
SIGTERM received
但是 git push heroku master 的结果相同
我猜我的 git push heroku master 工作了……或者至少加载了很多东西……但我知道我的页面中有
应用程序错误 应用程序发生错误,无法提供您的页面。请稍后再试>>。