This is not (!) a question about Facebook Like buttons!

I am searching for a Typo3 extension which allows Facebook-like posting and commenting with following requirements:

  • posts in order of creation
  • small comments just underneath
  • inline editing for posts and comments (not at the bottom of the site or anything like that
  • small avatars aside
  • everything should work like this Facebook status comments — or whatever it is called — simple, inline and intuitive.

2 回答 2


我认为该扩展dialog接近您的需求: http: //fedext.net/overview/extensions/frontend-plugins.html

我不确定内联编辑部分,但这应该可以通过一些 JS 魔法轻松实现。

于 2013-07-12T12:05:24.057 回答

我认为这看起来不错:http ://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/facebook_socialplugins

你有这么多的要求,所以考虑为你的 Stuff 开发一个自己的扩展。

于 2013-07-09T10:54:16.803 回答