我有一个包含 1000 条记录的 mysql 表。在内容字段中有一个锚标记,我想从该内容字段中提取作者姓名并将其插入同一表的作者字段中。
When air conditioning, escalators, and advertising appeared, shopping expanded its scale, but also limited its spontaneity. And it became much more predictable, almost scientific. What had once been the most surprising became the most manipulated.</p>
<p class="bq_fq_a">
<a id="qut" title="rem_koolhaas"> Rem Koolhaas </a>
</p> <br>
在这里你可以看到作者是雷姆库哈斯。我想用这个在同一个表中提取作者和更新作者字段。在所有单元格中都有不同的内容,但格式相同。所有行都由锚点组成。除此之外,我在该表 tag1、tag2、tag3 中还有三列。我有 50 个标签(如成功、乐趣、早晨、海滩等),我想与这些内容匹配,如果匹配,则将它们放在 tag1、tag2、tag3 中
id content author tag1 tag2 tag3
1 as given above blank blank blank blank