我不知道如何解决我在 R 中不断遇到的这个错误:
设置证书验证位置时出错:\n CAfile:\n CApath:无\n twInterfaceObj$doAPICall(cmd, params, "GET", ...) 中出错:错误:设置证书验证位置时出错:CAfile: CApath: none
TweetFrame <- function(searchTerm, maxTweets)
#twtList is involved in “variable” scoping so it only exists within the function
# searchTerm needs to be a string so use "#hashtag"
twtTempFrame<- do.call("rbind", lapply(twtList,as.data.frame))
# as.data.frame() coerces each list element into a row
# lapply() applies this to all of the elements in twtList
# rbind() takes all the rows and puts them together
# do.call() gives rbind() all the rows as individual elements
return(twtTempFrame[order(as.integer(twtTempFrame$created)), ])