我花了一些时间做 iOS 开发,但我是 Android 开发的新手。我使用 IntelliJ 作为 Java 项目的 IDE,我真的很想用它来潜入 Android 开发。到目前为止的步骤:

  • 安装 Android SDK 并下载 4.2.2 平台和工具。
  • 在 IntelliJ 中创建新项目,选择 Android 应用程序模块类型。
  • 指出模块设置使用 4.2.2 Android SDK 和 Java 1.6。
  • 尝试运行 IntelliJ 构建的默认运行配置。


Information: Compilation completed with 2 errors and 0 warnings in 1 sec
Information: 2 errors
Information: 0 warnings
Error: Android Source Generator: Android SDK is parsed incorrectly. Parsing log:
Error parsing the sdk.
Error: Android Source Generator: [untitled2] Android SDK is invalid or not specified

1 回答 1


I have not run into this yet, but in the Module Settings dialog I would check the following:

  • Project: Project SDK
  • Modules: for all modules: Module SDK. It's usually set to "Project SDK".

I also set the environment variable ANDROID_HOME.

If it still fails, I'd like to point you to I can't get IntelliJ to recognise my Android SDK.

于 2013-07-06T22:19:27.433 回答