I try to summarize ALL paths though a tree that expands every level between 1 and 10 times from the root to the lowest children. My function walks recursive to all children but I have the problem that when I try to make a List of the nodes and do this lists in a list, I become a List of a List of a List ... of a List. I think my problem is the combining step And I tried to make a pattern matching method but the method that should compare the lists when it becomes a lists of lists and should make new lists and compare them if it get's just one way( meets a list with the nodes and not a list with lists) doesn't work.
1441 次
2 回答
summarize :: Tree a -> [[a]]
summarize Leaf = [[]]
summarize (Node a t1 t2) = do
t <- [t1, t2]
map (a:) (summarize t)
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
summarize :: Tree a -> [[a]]
summarize Leaf = [[]]
summarize (Node a t1 t2) = do
t <- [t1, t2]
summary <- summarize t
return (a:summary)
summarize (Node a t1 t2) = [a:summary | t <- [t1, t2], summary <- summarize t]
于 2013-07-06T14:49:55.233 回答
树可以表示为 list-monadic-list (一个列表,其中有几个选项可用于在每个点恢复它的方式)。然后,你想要的只是这个单子列表上的一个折叠。
import Control.Monad.Trans.List.Funcs (repeatM) -- cabal install List
import qualified Data.List.Class as L
exampleTree = L.take 3 (repeatM [0, 1])
ghci> L.toList exampleTree
ghci> L.foldlL (+) 0 exampleTree
在树的这种表示中,ListTreeListT []
包为表示为s 的树上的树操作(例如 DFS/BFS 迭代)提供了组合器。
于 2013-07-07T20:33:34.570 回答