Our development team of 24 uses Tortoise svn for windows and command line for Ubuntu. We started off with one master folder in SVN . But we faced some conflicts and issues in QA releases and decided to have three more copies of the master namely Alpha , Beta and Gamma. Team Alpha will always commit to Alpha folder. Team Beta will always commit to beta folder and so on.

Folder structure:


  • Master


  • Master
  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gamma

The problem we have now is while merging files because 3 teams work in different modules and sometimes in common files. When we try to merge files from Alpha , Beta's newly added files go missing from the Master.

What approach should we follow to merge changes from Alpha , Beta and Gamma into Master before releasing the Master to QA ?


1 回答 1


Your "Master" folder should be considered as the "trunk" from SVN Red Book Classical Layout (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.2/svn.branchmerge.maint.html). "Alpha", "Beta" and "Gamma" are "branches", according to the same reference.

Every "milestone" from "Alpha", "Beta" or "Gamma" should be reintegrated into the "Master" (see steps here: http://technology.amis.nl/2010/02/25/subversion-branching-merging-and-reintegration). Thereafer, the other teams will have to merge in their copies a range of revisions (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.branchmerge.advanced.html, see Cherrypicking).

In TortoiseSVN, these operations are in Merge command (TortoiseSVN > Merge into the target directory).

于 2013-07-06T14:21:43.603 回答