我正在运行 Visual Studio 2012.3 更新。
似乎 Web Essentials 正在显示 CSS 预览窗格并且其中的代码突出显示语法。而且我还可以在选项中设置 Web Essentials 的属性,它们确实适用。
我正在运行 Visual Studio 2012.3 更新。
似乎 Web Essentials 正在显示 CSS 预览窗格并且其中的代码突出显示语法。而且我还可以在选项中设置 Web Essentials 的属性,它们确实适用。
LESS was moved into the ASP.NET and Web Tools 2012.2 which you can read about and download here: http://www.asp.net/aspnet/overview/aspnet-45/aspnet-and-web-tools-20122-release-notes
It is unclear why Web Essentials continues to say it features LESS. The changelog states that the LESS editor was dropped in 2.5. This is the only place that I could find that mentions the move: http://madskristensen.net/post/Web-Tools-20122-and-Web-Essentials.aspx