

id  |  date
1   |  2013-07-01 
2   |  2013-07-02 
3   |  2013-07-03 
4   |  2013-07-04 
5   |  2013-07-05
6   |  2013-07-06
7   |  2013-07-07

phone_details 表

id   |  dateOrdered    | dateReceived | upg
1    |  2013-07-01     | 2013-07-05   | exp
2    |  2013-07-02     | 2013-07-05   | post
3    |  2013-07-02     | 2013-07-06   | upgrade
4    |  2013-07-07     | 2013-07-07   | upggrade
5    |  2013-07-03     | 2013-07-04   | exp
6    |  2013-07-01     | 2013-07-02   | exp


calendar.date  | noOrdered   |  noReceived  | # of post  | # of exp  | # of upgrade
2013-07-01     | 2           |              |            | 2         |
2013-07-02     | 2           |  1           | 1          |           | 1
2013-07-03     | 1           |              |            | 1         |
2013-07-04     |             |  1           |            |           |
2013-07-05     |             |  2           |            |           |
2013-07-06     |             |  1           |            |           |
2013-07-07     | 1           |  1           |            | 1         | 


select calendar.date,DAYNAME(calendar.date) as `day`,
sum(if((`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Post'),1,0)) AS `Post Paid`,
sum(if((`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Upgrade'),1,0)) AS `Upgrade`,
sum(if(((`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Exp') or (`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Future Exp')),1,0)) AS `Exp`,
(select count(phone_ID) FROM phone_details 
        WHERE dateReceived = calendar.date 
        )AS `received`

from `phone_details` JOIN calendar
where calendar.date = phone_details.dateOrdered

group by calendar.date DESC


calendar.date  | noOrdered   |  noReceived  | # of post  | # of exp  | # of upgrade
2013-07-01     | 2           |              |            | 2         |
2013-07-02     | 2           |  1           | 1          |           | 1
2013-07-03     | 1           |              |            | 1         |
2013-07-07     | 1           |  1           |            | 1         | 



3 回答 3


即使它们与表中的任何内容都不匹配,您也会希望LEFT JOIN为每一行生成结果;calendarphone_details

SELECT c.date "calendar_date", 
  SUM(c.date=pd.dateOrdered) noOrdered,
  SUM(c.date=pd.dateReceived) noReceived,
  SUM(c.date=pd.dateOrdered AND upg='post')    "# of post",
  SUM(c.date=pd.dateOrdered AND upg='exp')     "# of exp",
  SUM(c.date=pd.dateOrdered AND upg='upgrade') "# of upgrade"
FROM calendar c
LEFT JOIN phone_details pd
  ON c.date = pd.dateOrdered
  OR c.date = pd.dateReceived
GROUP BY c.date;

一个用于测试的 SQLfiddle

于 2013-07-06T07:34:13.570 回答

我认为您的加入不正确,因为您应该使用 on 而不是 where :

from `phone_details` JOIN calendar
where calendar.date = phone_details.dateOrdered


from `phone_details` JOIN calendar
on calendar.date = phone_details.dateOrdered
于 2013-07-06T07:21:07.617 回答
select calendar.date,DAYNAME(calendar.date) as `day`,
sum(if((`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Post'),1,0)) AS `Post Paid`,
sum(if((`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Upgrade'),1,0)) AS `Upgrade`,
sum(if(((`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Exp') or (`phone_details`.`upg` = 'Future Exp')),1,0)) AS `Exp`,
(select count(id) FROM phone_details 
        WHERE dateReceived = calendar.date 
        )AS `received`

from `phone_details` JOIN calendar
ON calendar.date = phone_details.dateOrdered or calendar.date = phone_details.dateReceived

group by calendar.date DESC


于 2013-07-06T07:42:40.657 回答