I have servlet printingServlet
and have two Global variables linesPrinted
and pages
public class printingServlet extends HttpServlet {
int linesPrinted = -3;
int pages = 0;
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
//print some lines
//increment linesPrinted and pages
//call function2,function3,function4,Checkfunction
public void function1(){
//print some lines
// increment linesPrinted and pages
//call Checkfunction
public void function2(){
//print some lines
// increment linesPrinted and pages
//call Checkfunction
public void function3(){
//print some lines
// increment linesPrinted and pages
//call Checkfunction
public void Checkfunction(){
// check linesPrinted and pages
// Do some stuff if specific values are reached else continue
all @override methods
This works fine when only one user calls this servlet
, but lately it shows some problems in page and lines calculation when requests are concurrently sent to the servlet
When the request that created error is requested without any concurrent requests then it works fine.
What should be done to avoid such a problem?