

var user = new User();
user.set({'firstName': ''}, {validate:true});


var User = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        firstName: 'J.R.',
        lastName: 'Smith',
        email: 'jsmith@knicks.com',
        phone: '212-424-6234',
        birthday: '03/05/1982',
        city: 'New York'


    validate: function(attrs) {
        if(!attrs.firstName) {
            return 'You must enter a real name.'
        if(!attrs.lastName) {
            return 'You must enter a real name.'
        if(attrs.email.length < 5 ) {
            return 'You must enter a real email.'
        if(attrs.phone.length < 10 && attrs.phone === int) {
            return 'You must enter a real phone number, if you did please remove the dash and spaces.'
        if(attrs.city.length < 2 ) {
            return 'You must enter a real city.'

    location: function(){
        return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName') + 'is currently in ' + this.get('city') + '.';

    initialize: function() {

        this.on('invalid', function(model, invalid){
            //when setting a user user.set('age', -55, {validate : true}); the validate true makes sure it validates


1 回答 1


您的 validate 函数作为语法错误。您不需要在每个 if 语句之后使用“,”,因为这是一个函数而不是对象文字。

    validate: function(attrs) {
        if(!attrs.firstName) {
            return 'You must enter a real name.'
        if(!attrs.lastName) {
            return 'You must enter a real name.'
        if(attrs.email.length < 5 ) {
            return 'You must enter a real email.'
        if(attrs.phone.length < 10 && attrs.phone === int) {
            return 'You must enter a real phone number, if you did please remove the dash and spaces.'
        if(attrs.city.length < 2 ) {
            return 'You must enter a real city.'
于 2013-07-06T01:51:35.147 回答