我有一个很久以前写的脚本,不是我写的,我已经从 V2 更新到 V3,我试图从一个居中的 LatLng 点绘制距离环。这在 V2 中有效,但在 V3 中无效,我无法弄清楚为什么我知道某些代码已贬值但不确定需要替换什么。
//Function to draw circles
function doDrawCircle(circleUnits, center, circleRadius, liColor, liWidth, liOpa, fillColor, fillOpa, opts, radials){
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var circlePoints = Array();
with (Math) {
if (circleUnits == 'KM') {
var d = circleRadius/6378.8; // radians
else { //miles
var d = circleRadius/3963.189; // radians
var lat1 = (PI/180)* center.lat(); // radians
var lng1 = (PI/180)* center.lng(); // radians
for (var a = 0 ; a < 361 ; a++ ) {
var tc = (PI/180)*a;
var y = asin(sin(lat1)*cos(d)+cos(lat1)*sin(d)*cos(tc));
var dlng = atan2(sin(tc)*sin(d)*cos(lat1),cos(d)-sin(lat1)*sin(y));
var x = ((lng1-dlng+PI) % (2*PI)) - PI ; // MOD function
var point = new google.maps.LatLng(parseFloat(y*(180/PI)),parseFloat(x*(180/PI)));
var offset = new google.maps.Size(-5,0); // Added the offset - mile markers look a bit better
var label = new ELabel(point, circleRadius, "style1", offset, 40);
if (((a==0) || (a==45) || (a==90) || (a==135) || (a==180) || (a==225) || (a==270) || (a==315)) && radials) {
//if (((a==0) || (a==45) || (a==90) || (a==135) || (a==180)) && radials) {
var pline = new google.maps.Polyline([center,point] , liColor, liWidth, liOpa);
var poly = new google.maps.Polygon(circlePoints, liColor, liWidth, liOpa, fillColor, fillOpa, opts);
map.addOverlay(poly); // Add a target circle to the map
map.setZoom(map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)); // This sets the map bounds to be as big as the target circles, comment out if you don't want it
// You can add circles, or change other parameters
// radials should be set to true for the maximum distance if you want radials
// doDrawCircle(circleUnits, center, circleRadius, lineColor, lineWidth, lineOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity, opts, radials)
doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 62, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 124, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 187, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 249, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 312, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 374, lcolor, 1, .7, "#FFFF00", 0, { clickable: false }, false);
// doDrawCircle('MI',llCenter, 374, lcolor, 1, .7, '#00FF00', 0, { clickable: false }, true); // This would add the radials
这就是它应该看起来的样子。这是来自工作 V2 地图。