I'm adding a counter_cache, and my migrate is getting an error.
def up
add_column :benefits, :benefit_rows_count, :integer, :default => 0
Benefit.find(:all).each do |b|
Benefit.update_counters b.id, :benefit_rows_count => b.benefit_rows.length
UPDATE "benefits" SET "benefit_rows_count" = COALESCE("benefit_rows_count", 0) + 0
WHERE "benefits"."id" IN (SELECT "benefits"."id"
FROM "benefits"
WHERE "benefits"."id" = 1
ORDER BY benefit_types.position, benefit_types.name, id)
This ORDER BY, inside the update is because of the default_scope, and it fails the migration.
Unfortunately, when i update the record, i get the same error when the callback update_counters is executed. I've read some posts that said default_scope should be avoided. I checked Rails 4 source code (i'm using Rails 3) and update_counters has not been fixed. I'm going to reopen ActiveRecord::CounterCache.update_counters and try to unscope it.