As the title says, I would like to capture real time video while still using arduino, however, not in that I must connect the camera directly to it, I want to use the arduino Uno for navigation, but use something else in correlation and either use the Wifi shield that arduino has, or some sort of feature that another micro controller that you would know so that I could send the information(the live feed) back to a computer, I would like all of this to be done without any sort of wire so wifi would be the most preferable solution.

From my research I found the mDVR3 however, I did not find anywhere to purchase it, nor did I find any good documentation on it's possibility of sending the data, not just storing it, even though I know it has 32GB of space. *EDIT : And yes I am aware that the arduino does not have enough juice to ever do more then take video with extremly low fps


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相机 -> 视频 TX ~~无线~~ 视频 RX -> 采集卡 -> 电脑

对于导航,计算机可以进行图像处理(采集卡既可以记录视频,也可以将其提供给您的软件进行处理),然后告诉 Arduino 在不同的无线协议(wifi/蓝牙等)上做什么。

于 2013-07-05T17:21:52.567 回答