
“每天 2 次,每次0.5 Tab 。”

每当它显示制表符时,我想获取制表符之前的数字并将其转换为双格式。一旦我有了字符串“0.5”,我就知道如何使用 cdbl 来转换它,但是我如何得到这个字符串有点困难,因为 InStr 只从左到右搜索。我的想法是使用 InStr 查找单词“tab”之前的数字之前的空格,但我无法弄清楚如何对其进行编码。有什么建议么?


3 回答 3



Dim text As String
text = "take 0.5 Tab by mouth 2 times daily"

Dim regex As Object
Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")

regex.Global = True
regex.Pattern = "[\d\.]+(?=\sTab)"

Dim test As Object
Set test = regex.Execute(text)
MsgBox (test(0).Value)
于 2013-07-05T15:50:15.680 回答

使用 Tab 作为相关指标进行更新


Sub ExtractElement()
    ' column 4 and row 6 contains the text "take 0.5 Tab by mouth 2 times daily"
    s = Cells(6, 4).Value
    ' split text into array for each space
    sAr = Split(s, " ")
    ' iterate over each element of array  
    For i = 0 To UBound(sAr) - 1
        ' if the array element "Tab" is reached 
        If  sAr(i) = "Tab" Then 
            ' write the previous array element into the next column
            Cells(6, 5).Value = sAr(i-1)
        End If        
End Sub

请注意,每个单词实际上是由“”分隔的。我复制了您的文字,并注意到“Tab by”没有分开。

Sub ExtractCharCode()

    s = Cells(7, 4).Value
    For i = 1 To Len(s)
        Cells(i, 8).Value = Mid(s, i, 1)
        Cells(i, 9).Value = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1))
End Sub

使用用户 matzone 的答案的变体进行更新

我不会将范围从 matzone 传递给函数,而是只传递值并为其添加修剪

Public Function TakeBeforeTab2(s As String) As String
    s = Mid(s, 1, InStr(UCase(s), "TAB") - 1)
    TakeBeforeTab2 = Trim(Mid(s, InStr(s, " ") + 1))
End Function
于 2013-07-05T16:00:29.417 回答

要从"0.5"_"take 0.5 Tab by mouth 2 times daily."

Public Function TakeBeforeTab(r As Range) As String
Dim s As String

s = r.Value
s = Mid(s, 1, InStr(UCase(s), "TAB") - 2)
TakeBeforeTab = Mid(s, InStr(s, " ") + 1)

End Function
于 2013-07-05T16:34:59.173 回答