This is probably a stupid question, but I'd like to start moving a couple of web apps over to azure. I'm not doing anything particularly difficult in them and have solved all of my development concerns (deployment is another can of worms) so far except for one thing. How do I work on these projects without connecting to azure? That is, I frequently work in places with wifi that is flat out horrid or non-existent. How do I set things up so I can still work against a database if I cannot connect to SQL Azure in the cloud? Currently I'm not using azure table storage or anything, just plain old SQL, although I have a few pieces that I think would benefit from table storage or blob storage. What's the best way to make disconnected development painless?


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Azure SDK包括各种服务的本地版本,因此您可以从一开始就脱机工作。SQL Azure 本质上是具有一些限制的 SQL Server,因此您可以针对本地版本的 SQL Server Express 进行编程。

只有在必须将应用程序部署到 Azure 时才需要连接。

如果您查看“入门”教程,您会看到开发是针对 localhost 完成的。仅当您选择“发布网站”时,该站点才会部署到 Azure。

一个更好的教程是“将具有成员资格、OAuth 和 SQL 数据库的安全 ASP.NET MVC 应用程序部署到 Windows Azure 网站”,其中包括将数据库发布到 Azure。

在“创建数据部署脚本”部分,本教程使用安装在本地计算机上的 SQL Server Express 实例。

我认为它需要重复,SQL Azure 不是必须在本地安装的特殊数据库。它实际上是 SQL Server,这意味着您可以修改完全相同的代码并为 SQL Server 和 SQL Azure 使用相同的工具。

您可以简单地使用 SQL Server Express 创建与 SQL Azure 一起使用的程序

于 2013-07-05T14:03:30.133 回答