我正在尝试读取服务器上的文件(以 5KB 为单位),使用 AES 加密该块并将其发送到客户端。在客户端,我解密收到的块,并附加到一个文件以取回原始文件。
例如,我有一个 15.5 KB 的 exe 文件,所以我有 15.5*1024/5*1024 = 4 个块(整数)来加密并发送给客户端(前 3 个块的长度为 5120 字节,最后一个块的长度为 512 字节) . 然而,在客户端,解密的块大小为 5057、4970、5016 和 512 字节,相当于 15.1 KB 的文件大小(小于服务器实际发送的大小)。
FileStream fs = new FileStream("lcd.exe", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
//block size = 5KB
int blockSize = 5 * 1024;
//calculate number of blocks in data
long numberOfBlocks = fs.Length / blockSize;
if (fs.Length % blockSize != 0) numberOfBlocks++;
byte[] numberOfBlocksBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(numberOfBlocks);
//send number of blocks to client
SendMessage(sw, numberOfBlocksBytes);
int count = 0, offset = 0, numberOfBytesToRead=0;
Aes objAes = new Aes();
while (count < numberOfBlocks)
byte[] buffer;
numberOfBytesToRead = blockSize;
if (fs.Length < offset + blockSize)
numberOfBytesToRead = (int)(fs.Length - offset);
buffer = new byte[numberOfBytesToRead];
fs.Read(buffer, 0, numberOfBytesToRead);
//encrypt before sending
byte[] encryptedBuffer = objAes.Encrypt(buffer, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sessionKey), initVector);
SendMessage(sw, encryptedBuffer);
offset += numberOfBytesToRead;
byte[] numberOfBlocksBytes = ReadMessage(sr);
long numberOfBlocks = BitConverter.ToInt64(numberOfBlocksBytes, 0);
FileStream fs = new FileStream("lcd.exe", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
//block size = 5KB
int blockSize = 5 * 1024;
Aes objAes = new Aes();
int count = 0, offset = 0;
while (count < numberOfBlocks)
byte[] encryptedBuffer = ReadMessage(sr);
byte[] buffer = objAes.Decrypt(encryptedBuffer, sessionKey, initVector);
fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
offset += buffer.Length;
我的 AES 加密代码:
private const int StandardKeyLength = 16;
public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] plainText, byte[] key, byte[] initVector)
if (key.Length != StandardKeyLength | initVector.Length != StandardKeyLength)
throw new ArgumentException("Key Length and Init Vector should be 16 bytes (128 bits) in size");
var bPlainBytes = plainText;
var objRm = new RijndaelManaged();
objRm.Key = key;
objRm.IV = initVector;
objRm.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
objRm.BlockSize = 128;
var ict = objRm.CreateEncryptor(objRm.Key, objRm.IV);
var objMs = new MemoryStream();
var objCs = new CryptoStream(objMs, ict, CryptoStreamMode.Write);
objCs.Write(bPlainBytes, 0, bPlainBytes.Length);
var bEncrypted = objMs.ToArray();
return bEncrypted;
我用于解密的 AES 代码:
public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherText, byte[] key, byte[] initVector)
if (key.Length != StandardKeyLength | initVector.Length != StandardKeyLength)
throw new ArgumentException("Key Length and Init Vector should be 16 bytes (128 bits) in size");
var bCipherBytes = cipherText;
var objRm = new RijndaelManaged();
objRm.Key = key;
objRm.IV = initVector;
objRm.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
objRm.BlockSize = 128;
var ict = objRm.CreateDecryptor(objRm.Key, objRm.IV);
var objMs = new MemoryStream(bCipherBytes);
var objCs = new CryptoStream(objMs, ict, CryptoStreamMode.Read);
var streamobj = new StreamReader(objCs);
var strDecrypted = streamobj.ReadToEnd();
return (Encoding.Default.GetBytes(strDecrypted));
这些是我在调试在服务器上发送文件块的 while 循环时得到的结果:
发送的实际文件大小:15.5 KB = 15872 字节
缓冲区大小(明文) 加密缓冲区大小(发送) 偏移计数 5120 5136 5120 0 5120 5136 10240 1 5120 5136 15360 2 512 528 15872 3
这些是我在调试接收客户端文件块的 while 循环时得到的结果:
收到的实际文件大小:15.1 KB = 15555 字节
接收到的缓冲区大小 解密的缓冲区大小偏移计数 5136 5057 5057 0 5136 4970 10027 1 5136 5016 15043 2 528 512 15555 3
很明显,发送和接收代码工作正常(因为发送的加密缓冲区大小 = 接收缓冲区大小)。但是,解密后的缓冲区大小与缓冲区大小(明文)完全不匹配,除了长度为 512 字节的最后一个块。