In my project I was using jsoup to parse html documents and to process them but now I came to know that java 7 has w3c org.w3c.dom.html which can be used to process html documents, but no tutorial or other helping contents are available for that so please help me in finding alternate of this jsoup code

    File in = new File("index.html");
    Document doc = Jsoup.parse(in, null);
    Element form = doc.select("form").first();
    Elements in=doc.getElementsByTag("input");
    for(Element el:in){
        el.attr("value", "23");

Jsoup is the only externel package in my project so I want to replace that with java7's existing features.


1 回答 1


JSoup is great - why are you trying to replace it?


Maybe this will help: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/x-wkdom/index.html

于 2013-07-05T11:44:01.523 回答