我最近遇到了“TubeMP3”——一个一键将 YouTube 视频转换为 MP3 的脚本。
我想要做的是让 iframe 在后台转换视频(不显示 iframe,因为它有广告),然后在转换过程完成后,将下载按钮附加到正文。谁能指出我正确的方向?我被困住了。
这是我的基本 html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="URL for the miniplayer"></script>
<script src="URL to jquery 1.9.1"></script>
<!-- start document ready function -->
$(document).ready(function() {
applyplayer(); applysearch(); applysearchBox(); applybutton() });
<!-- start input -->
<input type="text" placeholder="Paste YouTube URL..." size="80" id="textURL"></input>
<!-- start result -->
<div class="tubemp3result" id="Searchtarget" ></div>
<!-- start button -->
<button onclick="convertByform()">Convert!</button>
<!-- start bottom result -->
<div class="tubemp3" data-type="small" data-play="auto">
现在这是“miniplayer.js”文件的来源(包含 convertByform() 函数):
function applyplayer(){
var TubeElement = $('.tubemp3');
if(typeof TubeElement != 'undefined'){
var hitAr = 0;
while(hitAr < TubeElement.length){
var tubes = $(TubeElement[hitAr]);
var tubUrl = $(TubeElement[hitAr]).html();
var type = tubes.attr('data-type');
var play = tubes.attr('data-autoplay');
var width = tubes.attr('data-width');
var tubIdmatch = /watch\?v=(.*)/;
var TubeID = tubIdmatch.exec(tubUrl);
TubeID = (typeof TubeID != 'undefined' && typeof TubeID[1] !='undefined')? TubeID[1]:'';
typeof tubes != 'undefined' &&
typeof tubUrl != 'undefined' &&
typeof type != 'undefined' &&
typeof play != 'undefined' &&
typeof TubeID != 'undefined' &&
typeof width != 'undefined'
if(type =='small'){
var height = 40;
var height = type.split('x');
height = height[1];
widhtElem = Number(width) + 40;
var player = '<div style="width:'+widhtElem+'px;margin:0px auto;"><iframe frameborder="0"'+
'scrolling="no" width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" '+
'<a onclick="getConvert(\''+TubeID+'\')" href="#"><img src="http://tubemp3script.com/player/download.png" /></div>';
function jstubeCallback(Djson,key){
var result = Djson['data']['items'];
if(typeof result=='object'){
var title = this['title'];
var url = 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v='+this['id'];
var html = '<p><span class="tubeh2">'+title+'<span></p>'+
'<div class="tubemp3" data-type="small" data-width="400" data-autoplay="none">'+
function searchSTUB(title,key){
var max = 4;
var url = 'http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos';
var datareq = 'q='+escape(title)+'&max-results=4&alt=jsonc&v=2';
url : url,
data : datareq,
type : 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data){
function applysearch(){
var mytubeelement = $('.tubemp3result');
if(typeof mytubeelement != 'undefined'){
var keyword = $(this).attr('data-keyword');
if(typeof keyword != 'undefined'){
searchSTUB(keyword, key);
function applysearchBox(){
var keyword = $('#TubeSearchBox').find('input[name=s]').val();
var target = $('#TubeSearchBox').attr('action');
return false;
function closeFrame(){
function getConvert(tubeid){
var myhtml = '<div align="center" id="frameconvert" style="background:#ccc;z-index:1000;position:fixed;top:0px;width:500px;height: 190px">' +
'<iframe src="http://tubemp3script.com/work.php?v='+tubeid+'" width="100%" height="190" style="overflow:hidden;" frameborder="0"></iframe>'+
'<button style="position:absolute; bottom:0px; right:0px; height:25px;font-size:10px;" onclick="closeFrame()">close</button></div>';
function applybutton(){
var checktube = $(this).attr('href');
var getID = /v=(.*)/;
var tUbid = getID.exec(checktube);
if(tUbid != null && typeof tUbid[1] != 'undefined' ){
function convertByform(){
hit = 0;
var anuanu = $('#textURL').val();
var getID = /v=(.*)/;
var tUbid = getID.exec(anuanu);
if(typeof tUbid[1] != 'undefined'){