您知道动态语言中的任何 DDD 工作吗?

当偏离面向企业的解决方案时,DDD 上的实用资源往往会急剧减少(排除 C#、.NET、ASP 和 Java 的谷歌搜索产生的结果要少 10 倍),但我实际上找不到 DDD 实现的单个示例用动态语言...


4 回答 4


最近我试图收集所有已知的动态语言中与 DDD 相关的资源。我最终得到了这个guthub repo


1) Ruby DDD 示例应用程序

2) Django 示例中的 DDD

3)使用 DDD 方法的 Python 看板

于 2016-07-16T18:43:32.480 回答

不,我不是,但原则保持不变,所以不应该有任何理由让它不能正常工作,特别是如果所讨论的动态语言具有良好的 OO 支持(例如 Ruby)。


于 2009-11-17T21:51:52.593 回答

有一些新兴的框架,如Hanami-rb,鼓励使用 DDD 原则。

但是正如我在这里提到的,尽管有可能,但有一些缺点可以解释为什么在“动态类型语言”这个词中使用 DDD 并不那么普遍。

于 2017-11-29T17:27:22.537 回答

The TYPO3 Association began working on the development of a PHP framework with a strong focus on encouraging Domain Driven Design some time ago. That framework is now part of the Neos project and is called Flow.

The alpha version they presented back in 2008 (when I heard the last talk of the development head) looked already very promising. I haven't had a closer look so far though.

Our company has been doing PHP development with a DDD mindset for some time, however I didn't think about anything that would be specifically different for dynamic languages so far. I can only tell it works great for us.

于 2010-01-13T18:47:05.507 回答