I have been trying to implement ajax login with CakePHP 1.3. I have a popup with a simple username/pass login.

Following is in my views/elements/login.ctp:

echo $this->Form->create('User', array('url'=>array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'login'), 'id'=>'user_login'));
echo $this->Form->input('username');
echo $this->Form->input('password');
echo $this->Form->end('Login'));

Following is in my controller controllers/users_controller.php

public function ajax_login() {

    $response = array('success'=>false);

      if($this->RequestHandler->isPost()) {
         if($this->Auth->login()) {
            $response = array('success'=>"true");
         } else {
            $response = array('success'=>false);
        $this->set('response', $response);


The view for the above controller is under views/users/ajax_login.ctp has ONLY this line:

echo $javascript->object(isset($response) ? $response : array());

My Ajax has the following code:

function login_user(){

    var username = $("#UserUsername").val();
    var password = $("#UserPassword").val();

    if(username == "" || username == null || password == "" || password == null){
        alert("Please enter a username and password");
        return false;

        async: true,
    success: function() { console.log("success"); }, 
    error: function(msg) { console.log(msg); }

    return false;

Now, everything seems to be working perfectly, however, this is always failing into the "error" callback and I dont know why. I've read all of the below links on stackoverflow, and none of them seem to be the issue!

Weird JSON behavior when requesting a json file via $.ajax malformed JSON while JSON is valid? Ajax error result with struts2 json_encode creating a malformed JSON (with extra hidden character) php json_encode not returning proper json encoded string

The ONLY thing I suspect is when I read the console.log(msg) of the error, I get the correct HTML response {"success":true} which is in correct format... BUT... the "responseText" I get something like this:

responseText: "{"success":true}<!-- 0.375s -->"

so basically im guessing it's this "<!-- 0.375s -->" which is causing the json format to always fail in my ajax call. how on earth do i get rid of this?!... I'm no longer sure if this is a CakePHP issue, or and AJAX/JSON issue!... i've worked on both for over 5 years and now im stuck!


1 回答 1


确实,该字符串<!-- 0.375s -->正在破坏您的代码。试着找出它来自哪里。一些步骤:

  1. 你用什么布局来渲染这个?尝试debug($this->layout)在您的 Controleler 中查看它是哪个。这很可能在那里,因为我没有看到您将布局设置ajax为例如。Cake 有这个ajax布局,它本质上是一个空布局。它不应该包含比echo $content_for_layout;CakePHP 1.3 更多的东西。
  2. 检查并确保您的“吐出” UTF-8 编码。这对于 JSON 来说是必须的。
  3. echo json_encode($response);尝试用或保留三边检查替换您当前的视图代码: echo isset($response) ? json_encode($response) : '';JavaScriptHelper 无论如何都会做同样的事情。
  4. 这个“奇怪的字符串”很可能是某些性能分析器的“渲染时间”注释。它来自您应用程序中的某个地方,您可以看到它是一个 HTML 注释。降低您的调试值Config/core.php- 我猜它是 3。


于 2013-07-06T11:26:50.433 回答