我的代码有问题。请帮忙。到目前为止,这是我的代码,我需要使用方法。它需要能够取整数 1-3999 并将其转换为罗马数字。有没有比我所做的更简单的方法来做到这一点?
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a number between 1 and 3999 (0 to quit): ");
int input = in.nextInt();
while (input !=0 )
if(input < 0 || input > 3999){
System.out.println("ERROR! NUmber must be between 1 and 3999 (0 to quit): ");
System.out.print("Enter a number between 1 and 3999 (0 to quit): ");
input = in.nextInt();
else if(input > 0){
String roman = convertNumberToNumeral(input);
System.out.println("The number " + input + " is the Roman numberal " + roman);
System.out.print("Enter a number between 1 and 3999 (0 to quit): ");
input = in.nextInt();
while (input == 0)
// Given a Scanner as input, prompts the user to input a number between 1 and 3999.
// Checks to make sure the number is within range, and provides an error message until
// the user provides a value within range. Returns the number input by the user to the
// calling program.
private static int promptUserForNumber(Scanner inScanner, int input) {
// Given a number as input, converts the number to a String in Roman numeral format,
// following the rules in the writeup for Lab 09. Returns the String to the calling
// program. NOTE: This method can possibly get long and complex. Use the
// convertDigitToNumeral method below to break this up and make it a bit simpler to code.
private static String convertNumberToNumeral(int input) {
String romanOnes = ("");
String romanTens = ("");
String romanHundreds = ("");
String romanThousands = ("");
int ones = input % 10;
int tens2 = input / 10;
if (tens2 < 10)
tens2 = input / 10;
else {
tens2 = tens2 % 100;
int tens = tens2;
int hundreds2 = input / 100;
if (hundreds2 < 10)
hundreds2 = input / 10;
else {
hundreds2 = hundreds2 % 1000;
int hundreds = hundreds2;
int thousands2 = input / 1000;
if (thousands2 < 10)
thousands2 = input / 10;
else {
thousands2 = thousands2 % 10000;
int thousands = input & 10000;
if (ones == 0)
romanOnes = ("");
else if (ones == 1)
romanOnes = ("I");
else if (ones == 2)
romanOnes = ("II");
else if(ones == 3)
romanOnes = ("III");
else if(ones == 4)
romanOnes = ("IV");
else if(ones == 5)
romanOnes = ("V");
else if(ones == 6)
romanOnes = ("VI");
else if(ones == 7)
romanOnes = ("VII");
else if(ones == 8)
romanOnes = ("VIII");
else if(ones == 9)
romanOnes = ("IX");
if (tens == 0)
romanTens = ("");
else if (tens == 1)
romanTens = ("X");
else if (tens == 2)
romanTens = ("XX");
else if(tens == 3)
romanTens = ("XXX");
else if(tens == 4)
romanTens = ("XL");
else if(tens == 5)
romanTens = ("L");
else if(tens == 6)
romanTens = ("LX");
else if(tens == 7)
romanTens = ("LXX");
else if(tens == 8)
romanTens = ("LXXX");
else if(tens == 9)
romanTens = ("XC");
if (hundreds == 0)
romanHundreds = ("");
else if (hundreds == 1)
romanHundreds = ("C");
else if (hundreds == 2)
romanHundreds = ("CC");
else if(hundreds == 3)
romanHundreds = ("CCC");
else if(hundreds == 4)
romanHundreds = ("CD");
else if(hundreds == 5)
romanHundreds = ("D");
else if(hundreds == 6)
romanHundreds = ("DC");
else if(hundreds == 7)
romanHundreds = ("DCC");
else if(hundreds == 8)
romanHundreds = ("DCCC");
else if(hundreds == 9)
romanHundreds = ("CM");
if (thousands == 0)
romanThousands = ("");
else if (thousands == 1)
romanThousands = ("M");
else if (thousands == 2)
romanThousands = ("MM");
else if(thousands == 3)
romanThousands = ("MMM");
String roman = (romanThousands + romanHundreds + romanTens + romanOnes);
return roman;
// Given a digit and the Roman numerals to use for the "one", "five" and "ten" positions,
// returns the appropriate Roman numeral for that digit. For example, if the number to
// convert is 49 we would call convertDigitToNumeral twice. The first call would be:
// convertDigitToNumeral(9, 'I','V','X')
// and would return a value of "IX". The second call would be:
// convertDigitToNumeral(4, 'X','L','C')
// and would return a value of "XL". Putting those togeter we would see that 49 would be the
// Roman numeral XLIX.
// Call this method from convertNumberToNumeral above to convert an entire number into a
// Roman numeral.
private static String convertDigitToNumeral(int digit, char one, char five, char ten) {