对于初学者,我必须承认我的 PHP 技能很糟糕(已经这样做了 3 天)

在过去的三天里,我对一个解析刚刚在 mediawiki 中编辑的页面的扩展进行了大量修改。最初的目的是解析页面以查找与数据库中其他页面名称匹配的文本,并自动链接它们。但它只会在“主”命名空间(命名空间 0)中执行此功能。我已经修改它来解析跨命名空间的链接,使用命名空间的加权白名单。(根据白名单中的位置加权,先到先得。如果白名单是Development, Rules 发展胜过规则。)


  1. 确定用户组从属关系
  2. 确定当前页面的命名空间 SOLVED $var=$article->getTitle()->getNamespace();
  3. 将值推到数组的前面 SOLVED array_unshift($hastack, $needle);

如果有人可以将我指向一个至少解释前两件事的网站,我将不胜感激。(到目前为止,mediawiki 社区一直没有用处)

如果你提供一个代码示例,请尽量保持它的愚蠢,我是这个 {{shrug}} 的新手(意思是保持代码示例 php 简单......它是可扩展的,所以总有更好的方法,但我不是熟悉额外的模块。)

有问题的 MediaWiki 版本是 1.21(截至 2013 年 7 月当前稳定)


白名单的数组定义为: $wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist = array(5000, 5002, 5004, 5006,0);

主文件 LinkTitles5000_body,php

if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) { die( 'Not an entry point.' ); } /* function dump($var) { error_log(print_r($var, TRUE) . "\n", 3, 'php://stderr'); }; */ class LinkTitles_5000 { static $safeTitle;

    /// Setup function, hooks the extension's functions to MediaWiki events.
    public static function setup() {
        global $wgLinkTitlesParseOnEdit;
        global $wgLinkTitlesParseOnRender;
        global $wgHooks;
        if ( $wgLinkTitlesParseOnEdit ) {
            $wgHooks['ArticleSave'][] = 'LinkTitles_5000::onArticleSave';
        if ( $wgLinkTitlesParseOnRender ) {
            $wgHooks['ArticleAfterFetchContent'][] = 'LinkTitles_5000::onArticleAfterFetchContent';
        $wgHooks['ParserBeforeTidy'][] = 'LinkTitles_5000::removeMagicWord';

    /// This function is hooked to the ArticleSave event.
    /// It will be called whenever a page is about to be
    /// saved.
    public static function onArticleSave( &$article, &$user, &$text, &$summary,
            $minor, $watchthis, $sectionanchor, &$flags, &$status ) {

        // To prevent time-consuming parsing of the page whenever
        // it is edited and saved, we only parse it if the flag
        // 'minor edits' is not set.
        return $minor or self::parseContent( $article, $text );

    /// Called when an ArticleAfterFetchContent event occurs; this requires the
    /// $wgLinkTitlesParseOnRender option to be set to 'true'
    public static function onArticleAfterFetchContent( &$article, &$content ) {
        // The ArticleAfterFetchContent event is triggered whenever page content
        // is retrieved from the database, i.e. also for editing etc.
        // Therefore we access the global $action variabl to only parse the
        // content when the page is viewed.
        global $action;
        if ( in_array( $action, array('view', 'render', 'purge') ) ) {
            self::parseContent( $article, $content );
        return true;

    /// This function performs the actual parsing of the content.
    static function parseContent( &$article, &$text ) {

        // If the page contains the magic word '__NOAUTOLINKS__', do not parse
        // the content.
        if ( $mw -> match( $text ) ) {
            return true;

        // Configuration variables need to be defined here as globals.
        global $wgLinkTitlesPreferShortTitles;
        global $wgLinkTitlesMinimumTitleLength;
        global $wgLinkTitlesParseHeadings;
        global $wgLinkTitlesBlackList;
        global $wgLinkTitlesSkipTemplates;
        global $wgLinkTitlesFirstOnly;
        global $wgLinkTitlesWordStartOnly;
        global $wgLinkTitlesWordEndOnly;
        // global $wgLinkTitlesIgnoreCase;
        global $wgLinkTitlesSmartMode;
        global $wgCapitalLinks;
        global $wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist;
        global $wgExtraNamespaces;

        ( $wgLinkTitlesWordStartOnly ) ? $wordStartDelim = '\b' : $wordStartDelim = '';
        ( $wgLinkTitlesWordEndOnly ) ? $wordEndDelim = '\b' : $wordEndDelim = '';
        // ( $wgLinkTitlesIgnoreCase ) ? $regexModifier = 'i' : $regexModifier = '';

        // To prevent adding self-references, we now
        // extract the current page's title.
        $myTitle = $article->getTitle()->getText();

        ( $wgLinkTitlesPreferShortTitles ) ? $sort_order = 'ASC' : $sort_order = 'DESC';
        ( $wgLinkTitlesFirstOnly ) ? $limit = 1 : $limit = -1;

        if ( $wgLinkTitlesSkipTemplates )
            $templatesDelimiter = '{{.+}}';
        } else {
            $templatesDelimiter = '{{[^|]+?}}|{{.+\|';

        // Build a regular expression that will capture existing wiki links ("[[...]]"),
        // wiki headings ("= ... =", "== ... ==" etc.),
        // urls ("http://example.com", "[http://example.com]", "[http://example.com Description]",
        // and email addresses ("mail@example.com").
        // Since there is a user option to skip headings, we make this part of the expression
        // optional. Note that in order to use preg_split(), it is important to have only one
        // capturing subpattern (which precludes the use of conditional subpatterns).
        ( $wgLinkTitlesParseHeadings ) ? $delimiter = '' : $delimiter = '=+.+?=+|';
        $urlPattern = '[a-z]+?\:\/\/(?:\S+\.)+\S+(?:\/.*)?';
        $delimiter = '/(' . $delimiter . '\[\[.*?\]\]|' . $templatesDelimiter .
            '|\[' . $urlPattern . '\s.+?\]|'. $urlPattern .

        $black_list = str_replace( '_', ' ',
            '("' . implode( '", "',$wgLinkTitlesBlackList ) . '")' );

        // Depending on the global setting $wgCapitalLinks, we need
        // different callback functions further down.
        if ( $wgCapitalLinks ) {
            $callBack = "LinkTitles_5000::CallBackCaseInsensitive";
        }   else {
            $callBack = "LinkTitles_5000::CallBackCaseSensitive";

        # Added to suuport $wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist
        foreach ($wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist as $LT_namespace){
            # Create the link part reflecting NameSpace:
            # if namespace is main (0) set to empty string
            if ($LT_namespace === 0){
                $LT_namespacePart = "";
            } else {
                $LT_namespacePart = str_replace('_', ' ', $wgExtraNamespaces[(int)$LT_namespace]);
                $LT_namespacePart = $LT_namespacePart . ":";
        # ===

            // Build an SQL query and fetch all page titles ordered
            // by length from shortest to longest.
            // Only titles from 'normal' pages (namespace uid = 0)
            // are returned.
            $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
            # modified to suuport $wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist
            #    'page_namespace = 0'  becomes 'page_namespace = ' . $LT_namespace,
            # ===
            $res = $dbr->select(
                $wgDBprefix . 'page',
                'page_title, page_namespace',
                    'page_namespace = ' . strval($LT_namespace),
                    'CHAR_LENGTH(page_title) >= ' . $wgLinkTitlesMinimumTitleLength,
                    'page_title NOT IN ' . $black_list,
                array( 'ORDER BY' => 'CHAR_LENGTH(page_title) ' . $sort_order )

            // Iterate through the page titles
            foreach( $res as $row ) {
                // Page titles are stored in the database with spaces
                // replaced by underscores. Therefore we now convert
                // the underscores back to spaces.
                $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $row->page_title);

                if ( $title != $myTitle ) {
                    LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle = str_replace( '/', '\/', $title );
                    # add this to skip the function if more than 1 level of sub pages
                    # Thus if 0 or 1 "\/" is found we continue and process the entry
                    # if two or more are found we go AARRRRRGGGGHHHHH  and skip it!
                    if (substr_count(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, '\/') >1) {
                    # adding this to allow for sub pages to be broken into their parts
                    $LT5000_pos = strpos(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, "\/");
                    if ($LT5000_pos !== false){
                        $LT5000_front = substr(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, 0, $LT5000_pos);
                        $LT5000_back = substr(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, $LT5000_pos+1);
                        LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle = substr($title, $LT5000_pos+1);
                    } else {
                        $LT5000_back = '';
                        $LT5000_front = LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle;;

                    // split the string by [[...]] groups
                    // credits to inhan @ StackOverflow for suggesting preg_split
                    // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10672286
                    $arr = preg_split( $delimiter, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );

                    // Depending on the global configuration setting $wgCapitalLinks,
                    // the title has to be searched for either in a strictly case-sensitive
                    // way, or in a 'fuzzy' way where the first letter of the title may
                    // be either case.
                    if ( $wgCapitalLinks ) {
                        $searchTerm = '((?i)' . LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle[0] . '(?-i)' .
                            substr(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, 1) . ')';
                    }   else {
                        $searchTerm = '(' . LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle . ')';

                    $LT5000_out = "[[" . $LT_namespacePart . $title . "|";
                    for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $arr ); $i+=2 ) {
                        // even indexes will point to text that is not enclosed by brackets
                        $arr[$i] = preg_replace( '/(?<![\:\.\@\/\?\&])' .
                            $wordStartDelim . $searchTerm . $wordEndDelim . '/',
                            $LT5000_out.'$1]]', $arr[$i], $limit, $count );
                        if (( $limit >= 0 ) && ( $count > 0  )) {

                    $text = implode( '', $arr );

                    // If smart mode is turned on, the extension will perform a second
                    // pass on the page and add links with aliases where the case does
                    // not match.
                    if ($wgLinkTitlesSmartMode) {
                        // split the string by [[...]] groups
                        // credits to inhan @ StackOverflow for suggesting preg_split
                        // see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10672286
                        $arr = preg_split( $delimiter, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );

                        for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $arr ); $i+=2 ) {
                            // even indexes will point to text that is not enclosed by brackets
                            $arr[$i] = preg_replace_callback( '/(?<![\:\.\@\/\?\&])' .
                                $wordStartDelim . '(' . LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle . ')' .
                                $wordEndDelim . '/i', $callBack, $arr[$i], $limit, $count );
                            if (( $limit >= 0 ) && ( $count > 0  )) {
                        $text = implode( '', $arr );
                }; // if $title != $myTitle
            }; // foreach $res as $row
        }; // foreach $wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist as $LT_namespace
        return true;

    static function CallBackCaseInsensitive($matches) {
        if ($LT5000_pos !== false){
            # this if a / was found in the first place
            $LT5000_call_out = $LT_namespacePart . $LT5000_front . '/' . $LT5000_back;
        } else {
            # this if there was no slash
            $LT5000_call_out = $LT_namespacePart . $matches[0];

        if ( strcmp(substr(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, 1), substr($matches[0], 1)) == 0 ) {
            return '[[' . $LT5000_call_out . '|]]';
        } else  {
            return '[[' . $LT5000_call_out . '|' . $matches[0] . ']]';

    static function CallBackCaseSensitive($matches) {
        if ($LT5000_pos !== false){
            # this if a / was found in the first place
            $LT5000_call_out = $LT_namespacePart . $LT5000_front . '/' . $LT5000_back;
        } else {
            # this if there was no slash
            $LT5000_call_out = $LT_namespacePart . $matches[0];

        if ( strcmp(substr(LinkTitles_5000::$safeTitle, 0), substr($matches[0], 0)) == 0 ) {
            return '[['. $LT5000_call_out . '|]]';
        } else  {
            return '[[' . $LT5000_call_out . '|' . $matches[0] . ']]';

    static function removeMagicWord( &$parser, &$text ) {
        $mw -> matchAndRemove( $text );
        return true;

以及模块加载器函数 LinkTitles_5000.php:

if ( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) ) { die( 'Not an entry point.' ); }

    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
    ini_set('error_log', 'php://stderr');
    $wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
    $wgCacheDirectory = false;

// Configuration variables
$wgLinkTitlesPreferShortTitles = false; 
$wgLinkTitlesMinimumTitleLength = 3;
$wgLinkTitlesParseHeadings = false;
$wgLinkTitlesParseOnEdit = true;
$wgLinkTitlesParseOnRender = false;
$wgLinkTitlesSkipTemplates = false;
$wgLinkTitlesBlackList = array();
$wgLinkTitlesFirstOnly = false;
$wgLinkTitlesWordStartOnly = true;
$wgLinkTitlesWordEndOnly = true;
$wgLinkTitlesSmartMode = true;
$wgLinkTitlesNamespaceWhitelist = array();

$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array( 'path' => FILE, 'name' => 'LinkTitles_5000', 'author' => '[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Bovender Daniel Kraus]', 'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:LinkTitles', 'version' => '2.2.0', 'descriptionmsg' => 'linktitles-desc' );

$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['LinkTitles_5000'] = dirname( FILE ) . '/LinkTitles_5000.i18n.php'; $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['LinkTitlesMagic_5000'] = dirname( FILE ) . '/LinkTitles_5000.i18n.magic.php'; $wgAutoloadClasses['LinkTitles_5000'] = dirname( FILE ) . '/LinkTitles_5000.body.php'; $wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'LinkTitles_5000::setup';

// vim: ts=2:sw=2:noet


1 回答 1



$myNamespace = $article->getTitle()->getNamespace();

由于 article 对象默认传递给与 on_save 进程挂钩的扩展,因此这会将命名空间作为数值获取。

于 2013-10-04T12:45:29.533 回答