我正在尝试将一些 ruby 代码移植到 javascript,但我正在努力处理一个特定的行
Ruby 代码如下:它从俄罗斯方块游戏中删除所有完整的行:
# removes all filled rows and replaces them with empty ones, dropping all rows
# above them down each time a row is removed and increasing the score.
def remove_filled
(2..(@grid.size-1)).each{|num| row = @grid.slice(num);
# see if this row is full (has no nil)
if @grid[num].all?
# remove from canvas blocks in full row
@grid[num][index] = nil
# move down all rows above and move their blocks on the canvas
((@grid.size - num + 1)..(@grid.size)).each{|num2|
@grid[@grid.size - num2].each{|rect| rect && rect.move(0, block_size)};
# I can't port this line
@grid[@grid.size-num2+1] = Array.new(@grid[@grid.size - num2])
# insert new blank row at top
@grid[0] = Array.new(num_columns);
# adjust score for full flow
@score += 10;
其中@grid 是一个二维数组,初始化如下:
@grid = Array.new(num_rows) {Array.new(num_columns)}
removeFilled() {
for (var i = 2; i < this.grid.length; i++) {
var row = this.grid.slice(i);
var allFull = true;
for (var g = 0; g < this.grid[i].length; g++ ) {
if (this.grid[i][g] == undefined) {
allFull = false;
if (allFull) {
for (var j = 0; j < this.numColumns; j++) {
this.grid[i][j] = undefined;
for (var k = this.grid.length - i + 1; k <= this.grid.length; k++) {
var rects = this.grid[this.grid.length - k];
for(var l = 0; l < rects.length; l++) {
var rect = rects[l];
if (rect) {
rect.move(0, this.blockSize);
// ***this is the line I can't port
this.grid[this.grid.length - k + 1] = new Array(this.grid[this.grid.length - k]);
this.grid[0] = new Array(this.numColumns);
this.score += 10;