In my website for uploading image to server, i am using HTML5 Drag and Drop method of upload.
I am using mfupload.js opensource script. It is working for all browsers except IE.
Please give me idea how to make it work this in IE or Please provide good script for IE.
Note: Drag and Drop means Drag from folder and drop into webpage.
<script src="js/mfupload.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
var errors="";
type : 'jpeg,jpg,png,gif,mp3,aac,aif,aiff,m4a,wav,mp4,ogg,webm,mov,m4v,3gp,3g2,m2v,avi', //all types
maxsize : 20,
post_upload : "./upload.php",
folder : "./file/pic/uploaded_files",
ini_text : "Drop your photo,video or audio here",
over_text : "Drag your file(photo,video or audio) (max-size: 20MB each)",
over_col : 'gray',
over_bkcol : 'white',
init : function(){
start : function(result){
$("#uploaded").append("<div id='FILE"+result.fileno+"' class='files'>"+result.filename+"<div id='PRO"+result.fileno+"' class='progress'></div></div>");
loaded : function(result){
$("#FILE"+result.fileno).html("Uploaded: "+result.filename+" ("+result.size+")");
progress : function(result){
$("#PRO"+result.fileno).css("width", result.perc+"%");
error : function(error){
errors += error.filename+": "+error.err_des+"\n";
completed : function(){
if (errors != "") {
errors = "";
Thanks in Advance.....