There is a program called "https://code.google.com/p/bmin/", which I want to build under Visual Studio 2010 C++, as this is environment I'm used to work with all the time.

After getting sources, here is what I have:

  • .git[folder]
  • doc[folder]
  • kernel[folder]
  • qtgui[folder]
  • shell[folder]
  • .gitignore
  • bmin.pro
  • configure
  • license
  • main.cpp

Now, it depends on QT libraries, so I obtained QT from nokia and also installed visual studio 2010 qt addin. Still, I get lots of errors, if I just try and add all the project files into fresh Visual Studio TQ project.

So I need some general advices.

What was used to build this originally? Mingwc? What is proper way to import such code into visual studio 2010, what should I do about bmin.pro file and configure? There are also no 'make' file, so I'm a bit clueless how to start.


1 回答 1



Windows:对于 Windows,安装程序 bmin-1.0.1-win32.exe 可用 [...]

Linux:需要下载Linux的源代码。该应用程序依赖于 Qt 库。这至少需要 4.5 版本(低于 4.5 的版本可能无法编译)。[...] 首先,您需要解压缩 gzip 存档。翻译分两步完成。首先,在源码解压后的目录下,运行配置文件。它创建了一个 Makefile,它可以传递下表中提供的参数。[...] 创建 Makefile 后,您需要调用 make 命令,然后 make install 将可执行文件 bmin 保存到位。


于 2013-07-04T14:47:05.860 回答