I have a @Ajax.ActionLink to show a partial view in a . It is OK. But after showing my partialview in a div, i want to put a button to go back to my first view.

My Ajax Link and Div is in index.cshtml

     @Ajax.ActionLink("Edit", "ShowOppEdit", "Opp",  new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "OppInfo", HttpMethod = "GET" })

  <div class="row-fluid" id="OppInfo">
    Text info is here

My Partial View is a basic form. What i want to do is liking a inline editing. First showing the text, when the visitor click the edit button i want to show editform in a partial view. But at this point, i want visitor can click the Back button to go back the previous text version.



1 回答 1


所以你想导航到 Opp 控制器的上一个动作?

如果 index 是您之前的操作,请使用

 @Ajax.Actionlink("back", "Index")
于 2013-07-05T12:14:53.917 回答